Her forehead was pressed to his chest and her right arm was over his side. Her right leg was in between his two legs. He had one arm under her head like a pillow and the other over her shoulder, holding her close. 

Evelyn's POV:

I woke up suddenly and realized what had happened in the night. I looked just past Peters head with minimal movement so I didn't wake him up and saw that the time was 7:36 am. Okay, we have a few hours until he has to leave. I thought as I drifted back to sleep, not wanting to move from the strangely comfortable position. Plus, I felt somewhat safe in Peter's arms. Almost like as long as I lay there I would be safe from everything that could ever harm me.

I don't think I'll ever be able to see him the same way again.

9:45 am.

I was in a light sleep, not quite drifting off into unconsciousness yet. Peter had just woken up. He laid there for a minute and I could tell that he was looking at me. He gently tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear and I could feel my heartbeat quicken.

"What do you do to make me like you so much?" He said as quietly as he could. He laid there for a little while longer before moving slowly so he wouldn't wake me up, but I knew he was leaving. And the weirdest part was, I didn't want him to. I wanted to stay like that forever.

He slid out from underneath my head smoothly replacing his arm with a pillow. I heard him scribble something down on a piece of paper and rip it out of his notebook as quietly as he could. He tied his shoes and just before he left, and placed a small kiss on my forehead. I couldn't help but smile slightly.

Then he left out the balcony, just as he did yesterday.

I slowly opened my eyes and sat up, smiling to myself. I looked over on my nightstand and found a small rip of paper sitting there, waiting for me.

I picked it up and read his familiar scribble of handwriting. Most people found it hard to read but I never did, it reminded me of my own.

It read:

My dearest Evelyn,

Thank you for your hospitality. And thank you for keeping your promise.


Your Bartholomew

"Just doing my job" I said aloud quietly as I saluted, another smile smearing itself across my face. I'd never felt this way before. It was strange. A feeling like no other. But what is it that I'm feeling?

I walked into my closet and pulled down a small leather box from the top shelf. Scribbled on top of a notecard taped to the box was the message "special mementos" written in a similar style to Peter's. I opened the lid. I had photos of me and my parents and the Avengers. All the photos revealed my true Identity as Evelyn Maximoff, not Evelyn Stevens. My mom told me to put them in a box in case anyone came over. Now a short letter scribbled down by my Bartholomew was being categorized as special. Because it was. 

Peters POV:

Aunt May had another meeting today so I knew she would be gone by the time I got home. I got dressed in different clothes and called Ned to come over. I told him it was an emergency-- because it kind of was.

He got here in a hurry.

"Peter, what's wrong?"

"Oh, god, not that kind of emergency."


"Just come in, I'll tell you everything"

I sat down in my desk chair and Ned sat on my bed.

"So, what happened?"

"So, yesterday Evelyn came over here to study, right?"

"Peter- where are you going with this?"

"Just- wait. So she tells me that she figured out I'm Spiderman."

"What?! How?!"

"It's a long story- anyway. So I walk her home, right? But then she invites me in to actually hang out and not just to study. So we watch movies, listen to music whatever. Then she walks me home, but it was dark and I wanted to make sure she would be alright so I walked her home and then we did that like a million times"

"Oh my god" Ned said under his breath.

"So, I had told May that I was sleeping over at your place so she wouldn't worry. But I couldn't go home at midnight! She would just ask questions. So I crashed at her place last night"


"No, Ned, ew, what?" I rolled my eyes at his lame joke. "But she didn't have any blankets- anyway. I ended up sleeping in her bed with her"


"And not much. When I woke up we were cuddling."

"How closely? Like her-forehead-pressed-to-you close orrr?"

"Actually, that's exactly what happened"

"Bro, you two are like in love"

"No, we're not, Ned." I wish we were. "We're just friends" I don't want to be just friends.

"Then why did you call me over just to tell me this?" I hadn't thought about it like that. He has a point, though we're definitely not in love. But I do really like her.

"What should I do?"

"Make a move. But make sure that you haven't misread the situation. But you'll be fine" he said patting me on the shoulder before leaving.

That's an insane amount of pressure. How do I know I haven't misread our friendship? If I mess this up, can we still be friends? Probably not.

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