When Tony left I called Peter.


"Who was at your door?"

"Tony Stark."

"Oh, cool what did he want?"

"He wants me to come to Germany too"

"Holy crap that's great!"

"I know right?! Now we can be together in Germany!"

"He doesn't know about us- right?"

"No, he doesn't, no one does."

"So we probably won't be together all that much, to keep our identity's safe."

"Maybe, I hadn't thought of that. But Tony did say that everyone will be staying in hotels, so maybe we could hang out at night? I don't know, but I do know that we'll find a way. Promise?"

"Promise." I smiled.

"Tony said we'll be leaving next month, and that there's a few other people coming"

"Oh, cool. I wonder who the new people are"

"You dummy"

"Oh, right." We both laughed.

"I heard that Germany is really cold in November, think we'll make it out of there?"

"Probably not, but I'll do my best to keep you warm"


"Who do you think we'll be fighting?"

"Mr. Stark hasn't told you either?"

"No, I was hoping he would but I got nothing."

"Maybe it's aliens"

"Probably, The Avengers have fought ailens a million times before. Anyway, are you excited for your first fight with The Avengers?"

"Yeah!" He changed his tone to a whisper "I'm just a little worried cause I still haven't told Aunt May about me being Spider- Man." 

"You still haven't told her!? Peter, you have to tell her at some point, won't she get suspicious when you keep leaving to other countries at the same time that Spider- Man is there?"

"I guess you're right, I just- I don't know how to bring it up, you know?"

"Unfortunately, I don't. Sorry. But I might be able to help you write a speech, would that help?"

He laughed "Yeah, thanks"


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