That night I googled Spider-Man.

"Man this guy is everywhere. Why haven't I heard of him before?" I watched video after video of him swinging through the streets. They called him 'The Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man'. He tied up bad guys and left little notes for the police so they could arrest the criminals.

At School...

Peter walked into Spanish a little distracted. He sat down beside me and smiled.

Then all of a sudden he asked: "Did you get home safe last night?"

"Yeah, well, almost." He lifted one of his eyebrows slightly. "There was this old drunk guy who was harassing me but then the coolest thing happened."

"What?" I could tell he was trying not to smile.

"That one really cool superhero, Spider-Man, swooped down and saved the day! He tied the guy to a lamp post. It was so cool!" I said. God, I sound like a blabbering idiot. Why did I say cool so much?!

"Oh wow, thank god for Spider-Man" He smiled a lot while I was telling him about last night, wondering why, I read his mind. He was thinking of- me? He was thinking about what happened last night, but he wasn't there? Or, maybe he was, and I just didn't recognize his because he had deepened his voice and had a mask on. That's it. He was Spider-Man. Peter Parker was Spider-Man. I knew his secret. 

"Yeah. Thank god for Spider-Man." I smiled brightly at him, excited because I knew his dirty little secret. I love knowing secrets when no one else does.

"Hey, are you coming over to my place to work on our project tonight?" he whispered to me so the teacher couldn't hear

"Uh sure, yeah." I whispered back.



Today I decided to study in the library during lunch. I took out my notebook to quiz myself but soon realized I took Peter's by accident. It wasn't a big deal, I would just swap them back today after school. The notebook fell out of my hand and onto the floor, opening it up onto a page full of carful calculations and small drawings. Bending down to pick it up, the titles and formulas became clear. He had made a series of different web shooter formula's and suit designs and functions. We didn't have science today so he probably wouldn't notice it being gone. This confirms that he was in fact Spider-Man. I flipped through some of the pages, expecting to see more formulas. And I did, but I also saw a page full of drawings of me. Well, my suit from when I helped The Avengers for the first time. I sat down on the ground, leaning against one of the shelves. It was hardly a fight, just a little hand to hand combat. It barley counted. I never knew anyone really noticed me. But Peter did. This proves that he's always noticed me. Even when I didn't know him.

I took a picture of the page with my phone before inspecting it further.

These drawings were like the others; careful, calculated. But these, the ones of my suit, were detailed, incredibly so. Definitely not just doodles. "New Avenger?" Was written at the top of the page.

Maybe someday.

(Peter's POV)

Ned and I were sitting in the back of the library. I could see Evelyn from where I was sitting, but she couldn't see me. Or, at least, she never did.

I watched her as she dropped her notebook.

"Peter? Are you even listening to me?"

"Huh? Yeah, of course I am" I said, still looking at her as she picked it up from the ground. Ned, looked at her quickly, then back at me.

"Peter, what is going on with you?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking over at him this time.

"I mean, you just met her like a week ago!"

"Who- Evelyn?"

"No Betty. Yes Evelyn! I mean, I get that you have a crush on her but-"

"I do not have a crush on her!"

"Peter, face it. You do. You hang out with her constantly-"

"We're working on a project together!"

"Your saying that that's the only reason that you two have ever hung out?"

"No, but-"

"Exactly. And when you're not hanging out with her you're talking about her, so either you have a huge crush on her or you're stalking her"

"I'm not stalking her" I said defensively. I wasn't.

"Then you have a huge crush on her"

"I may or may not have a small crush on her"

"At least you admitted it." I looked back over at her. She looked gorgeous today. Her long brown hair was tied up in a pony tail. She was wearing a few gold rings and one blue one that matched her eyes.


(Evelyn's POV)

We talked the whole way to his apartment. I couldn't stop thinking about his secret. Should I tell him that I know? By the time we reached his apartment building I had silently decided that I would tell him that I knew. He held the doors open for me like always. We kicked off our shoes and headed to his room.

Instead of taking out all the textbooks that we'd need I sat down on his bed and looked at him.


"We're friends, right?"

"Yeah? Why?"

"You now you can tell me anything, right?"

"Of course." I could see the confusion growing on his face.


OK I feel like I should explain their seating situation. In Spanish (I understand Spanish to a certain level) class they sit together in the back. in science they sit together at the front. they are in gym, math and English together too, but that's it. hope that makes sense...

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