We stopped at a dark building, still laughing.

"See you're having fun already!"

"Yeah, yeah yeah you were right, whatever" He joked.

"You know what else I'm right about? That the aliens are going to be blue"

"Uh-huh. Except, I'm right."

"Oh really?"

"Oh yeah, you know what I'm going to do with your $5?" He said as he placed his arm around my shoulder and we started walking. 


"First, I'm going to go to Mr. Stark and I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse. $5.25. Then, I'll buy the entire company and rule the world" 

"You're going to do all that with $5.25?" I said, looking up at him.

"Well, you didn't let me finish! Then, I'd buy Apple, stop selling electronics and sell Oranges instead. Only Oranges, year-round."

"Sounds like you've got it all figured out"

"I do. What would you do if, hypothetically, of course, you won the $5"

"I'd frame it. Keep it forever, it'd be buried with me too."

"Would it now?"

"100%. It's proof that I won the bet and I need to keep it forever, because who knows? You might take the $5 back when I die and erase history altogether."


The cold wind blew, targeting my exposed skin. "If I knew it'd be this cold I would've brought my jacket!" Without thinking, Peter took his off and held it so I could put it on. "Oh, no I didn't mean- you don't have to do that"

"It's fine, I have a sweater on, I'll be fine. Besides, it looks better on you." I did my best to hide the fact that I'm currently screaming inside.

"Thanks" I said as he helped me put the jacket on.


We found a small store and started walking towards it when I got a call. We stopped walking and I answered.

It was Happy, and ironically enough, he didn't sound too happy.

"Where are you two?"

"What do you mean? We're in our room!"

"You better be. I'll be up there in 10 minutes, I have some news." I muted myself quickly.

"We have to go, Happy is coming to our room!" We started to run and I unmuted myself. "Sorry, I didn't know I hit the mute button. Anyway, yeah sure come on up!"

"Why are you breathing like that? What's going on up there?"

"Oh, that's not me- uh- Peter and I are watching The Office and one of the characters is running a race."

"Okay..." I could tell he didn't believe me, though I don't know what he thought we were- oh.

"Yup. Is that all?"

"Yeah, I'll see you two soon."

"Okay, bye." I hung up, still running. We made it back to the hotel before Happy did. He was staying in a different hotel, so we would've seen his car outside if he was here. We ran into the lobby and up the stairs, we didn't have time to wait for the elevator. We made it up to our room just in time.

The zipper on my purse got stuck.

"Of course," I said under my breath as Peter kept an eye out for Happy, his hand low on my back. I couldn't breathe. I got it open and unlocked the door. We ran in and turned on the TV. I put on The Office season 4 episode 1 and skipped to the part where they were running Michael Scott's Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Race for the Cure.

Peter sat down on one end of the bed, and I sat on the couch near the fireplace.

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