It was finally Flash and I's turn. I wiped my face of all excitement and shook his hand. He winked at me which made me want to vomit.

I wiped my hands off on my shorts and started to climb.

Flash fell down and hit the mat with a loud thud.

I smiled.

I let myself slowly drift down the long rope until I reached him on the mat.

I offered my hand out to him. "Need some help up?" I said, a smile streaking my face, my eyes widened in a fake unknowingness. He declined my offer and stood up.

"I was just going easy on you"

"There's no need for that" I said sweetly, though my words tasted slightly bitter in my mouth.

We climbed the rope again, this time Flash made it to the top.  2 minutes after I did. I could see that he was struggling, though determined to stay up longer. Flash was already sweating profusely and I hadn't even broken a sweat. He lasted a few more minutes before going back down to the ground.

"4 minutes and 11 seconds" Coach Wilson said looking down at his stopwatch.

"Do you want me to come down now, or stay up for as long as I can?" I said looking down at coach Wilson.

"It's a double period so, I guess stay up for as long as possible"

"Okay" I said looking around at everyone else.

I stayed up for another 15 minutes before coming down because class was about to end.

"You were up there for 18 minutes and 30 seconds."

"I would've stayed up longer but I didn't want to waste anymore time."

"How did you do that?" Flash asked, eyes wide.

"I like rock climbing." I said shrugging my shoulders. Flash had just stopped sweating. I started to walk away before I turned back. "I thought you said you were stronger than all of the guys on the football team combined." I said, pointing an accusing finger at him "But, you just lost to a girl who doesn't even work out."

"I thought you said you liked rock climbing! That- that's working out!" He said, desperate for a reason for his pathetic loss.

"Oh did I not tell you? The last time I went rock climbing I was 12." I said smiling again and walking into the locker room.

Inside people crowded me. Nothing crazy, just 4 or 5 girls. I could see Liz leaning against a wall, glaring at me.

"How did you do that?" A few of them asked at a time.

"Like I said, I like rock climbing."

"When was the last time you really went though, I bet it was like yesterday!"

"No, I haven't gone since I was 12. Flash just isn't as strong as he says he is." It was true, I do like rock climbing, and I really haven't gone since I was 12. It was actually my 12th birthday. And I remember it very clearly.

Tony had bought a rock climbing place, and all of us went. Bucky even brought Alpine. Tony had sold it the next day, to Planet Fitness or something like that. Afterwards we went back to the Avengers Compound and Happy brought out 5 cakes. I had the time of my life that day. It's still one of my favourite memories.

Liz comes over and the girls around me scatter. I turn away and put my shoes in my locker. I put my shirt over my head and pull it down to my waist.

"You win." She said.

"I did."

"No, you win. You can have Flash. I get it, okay? You wanted to show that you were more worthy of him, and you are. You win. You can have him."

"More worthy? Liz, this isn't whether or not I can lift Mjölnir." I paused, still having more to say, but she took that as an opportunity to ask a question. 

"What the hell is a Mjölnir?" She mispronounced it terribly.

"Mjölnir." I corrected her. "It's Thor's hammer. Plus, I thought I made it at least semi clear earlier, I don't want him. I'm not interested in Flash, that's why I said no to going out with him earlier today."

"You sure you don't want to go out with him?" She asked, eyes wide.

I narrowed my eyes. "I'd rather set fire to my face and then try to put it out with a fork."

Hers widened. "Okay, thanks for letting me know"

I nodded as she walked away. I closed my locker and left.

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