Just then, Ant-Man became really big and grabbed Rhodey by the leg.

"Holy shit!" Peter and I said at the same time.

"Okay, tiny dude is big now, he's big now," Rhodey said through the intercom.

"Give me back my Rhodey" Tony said, then Sam kicked him in the gut. Ant-Man threw Rhodey away.

Ant-Man broke off a wing from a plane and threw it at Tony.

"Okay, anyone on our side hiding any shocking and fantastic ability's they'd like to disclose, I'm open to suggestions" Tony said.

Rhodey started shooting at Ant-Man, Peter hanging onto his foot. Peter wrapped around his arm a few times and hit him in the face.

"Hey guys! You ever see that really old movie? Empire Strikes Back?"

"Jesus Tony, how old is this guy?"

"I don't know, I didn't carbon date him, he's on the young side"

"You know that part where they're on the snow planet?!" Peter continued.

"He's talking about the battle on Hoth, when they wrapped cable around the legs of the AT-AT walker!" I explained.

"I think they're onto something"

We did just as Peter and I said, but with Peter's webs instead of cable. And I threw three energy balls at Ant-Man, knocking him down.

Once he was down Rhodey flew after Steve who was flying away. Sam shot a bomb-bullet at Rhodey that hit the power source of his suit, making him free fall meters down onto a empty field.

"Yes! That was awesome-" Peter said before he was knocked to the ground by Ant- Man's hand as he fell, shrinking down to a normal size once he was on the ground.

Tony started to fly over but I stopped him, saying "It's fine I'll make sure he's okay. You worry about Rhodey." Tony flew away and I crouched down beside Peter, who had his back to me. "Peter?" I said, lightly touching his shoulder. He turned to me quickly and started panicking. "Woah, woah, woah, same side buddy"

"Oh, sorry" Peter said resting his head on the ground again.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine really" He said sitting back up. He tried to stand up but the pain in his side stopped him and he sat back down "Just give me a sec and I'll get up and fight again-"

"Peter, you've fought enough. You're done now"

"No it's fine really- I'm fine"

"Alright, if you can take two steps, then I'll let you fight again." He tried, but couldn't even stand up straight. "Just stay right here, I'll be back soon. Don't get up Peter, I mean it."

"Okay, okay fine." He laid back down.

I flew over to Tony, who was hunched over Rhodey.

"Is he alright?" I asked as I landed.

"Read vitals" Tony said, ripping off Rhodey's mask, ignoring me. Sam flew down and paused for a moment, realizing what he'd done.

"I'm sorry" He said and Tony blasted him away.

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked again.

"I don't know" Tony said under his breath.


Tony told me that it was time to go back to the hotel, and to take Peter with me. He said that he'd take Rhodey to the hospital and update me as soon as he could. I flew back over to Peter and landed at his side.

"Hey. You ready to go back to the hotel?"

"That's it? It's over?"

"Yeah, it's over. Come on." I held out my hand to help him up. He took it and stood up. "Still sore?"

"Yep." I put my arm around his waist to help him walk, and he put his around my shoulders. Happy pulled up just as we reached where he dropped us off. Tony must of called him.

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