(Peters POV)

While we were watching TV I was trying to think of what to do for Evelyn. I knew I wanted to surprise her with some gifts since its almost Christmas and everything.

I had a few ideas, I was already planning on going to a bookstore and buying her Daisy Jones & The Six in German, but I wanted to do something else for her. I should get her jewelry... a bracelet? No, a ring. She was always wearing at least one ring, if not multiple. I could use one of her rings to find the right size.

And of course I'd get her some bread.

I think I could surprise her with a picnic and give her everything then. This Thursday is supposed to be pretty warm so I could do it then. I still have to get everything and find a place for the picnic, though I could do all that before Thursday.

The Next Day... (Wednesday)

Evelyn went to go have lunch and say goodbye to everyone and I went out and found a bookstore. I remembered to bring one of her rings with me once she left. The front door chimed as I walked in.

The bookstore was small and cozy, with big chairs at the back, inviting you to have a seat and stay for a while, with what must have been thousands of books in both English and German covering the walls and small tables that were strategically placed around. 

"Hello, I was looking for something specific and I was wondering if you could help me?"

"Sure, are you looking for a book in German or English?"

"German please. Maybe English- I'm not sure"

"That's fine, do you have a specific title in mind?"

"Yes, by any chance do you carry Daisy Jones & The Six?"

"We do! We have it in both English and German" She said walking over to it. "As you can see, the German translation is right next to the English one. Let me know if you need anything"

"I will thank you" I smiled at her as she walked back to the front counter. I looked down at them. The English one had a different cover than the one Evelyn had. They were a lot cheaper than the ones in Queens, plus Mr. Stark gave both of us €2000 worth of spending money to use on whatever we wanted. The English hardcover was only €4.63. The German translation was the same price. I got them both. 

The German version had the same cover that the one she already owned had, but I thought that she'd be okay with it.

I looked around for a little, seeing if there was anything else I thought she'd like. In the corner of the store, I saw Dune. I recognized it because she had mentioned it before when we were on the phone once. She said that she wanted to get it, but they were always sold out whenever she went to a bookstore because it was so popular. The only one they had was in English. This one was a hardcover too, so it was the same price. I brought all three books to the register.

"Would you like a bag?"

"Yes please."

"If these are gifts I can wrap them for you, if you'd like"

"That'd be great thank you"

"No problem." She wrapped each book in red Christmas wrapping paper and placed them carefully in the big brown paper bag. "Your total is €13.89"

I handed her the money. "Thank you! Have a nice day" I said taking the bag from the counter and walking out.

"You too!"

I walked for a little longer until I reached a small jewelry store. I looked around for a moment before I found the perfect one. It was stained black and had 3 medium-sized red jewels, the middle being the biggest, with smaller ones reaching halfway down the band. I wanted to get her a red and black one because it matches her suit.

"Can I help you with anything?"

"Yes, I was wondering if I could get that ring?" I said pointing at it, putting the bag of books down on the ground next to me.

"Sure, do you have a size that you'd like it in?"

"Uhh I was hoping that you could measure this ring for me?" I pulled her ring out of my pocket.

"Of course, just one moment." He came back shortly after with a sizer. I handed him the ring and he got the right size and put it in a box for me. The box was small and black with a black ribbon tied around it, keeping it closed. I paid and left.

I got to the hotel an hour before Evelyn would be back. I took out the books and the ring and hid them under some of my jeans in my wardrobe, where I knew she wouldn't find them. I threw the bag out in the trash chute. I would buy the bread before I told her about my surprise. I was excited to see how she would react. I hope she likes everything.

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