The next day...

Today, while I was walking I decided to stop at Delmar's Deli for some chips. While I was in one of the isles deciding what flavour to get I heard a familiar voice.

"Yeah um, with pickles and can you squish it down real flat? Thanks." I lifted my head and saw Peter standing only a foot away from me.

I grabbed a small bag of salt and vinegar chips and headed up to the counter just after Peter left. I paid and put them in my pocket, coming out of the store and running to catch up to him.

"Hey stranger" I said falling into his step beside him and smiling. When he looked at me a smile instantly spread across his face and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I was out for a walk and I stopped to get some chips. What about you?"

He held up a white bag. "Best sandwiches in Queens. Plus some gummy worms."

"Well yeah, you can't have a sandwich without gummy worms."

"Hey, are you going anywhere in particular?"

"No, why?"

"I have an idea."

"What is it?"

"It's a surprise" He said, looking back at me excited.

"What? No! Tell me!"

"Not a chance" I followed him, excited to see what the surprise was.


"Wow. It's- beautiful" I said when we reached the top of the building.

"I know." he said, placing a brick down to stop the door from locking us on the roof.

We sat down on the ground and I opened my chips and Peter took out his gummy worms from the bag he had been holding. He offered me some gummy worms and I offered him some chips in return. We both just sat there, staring out at the landscape. I couldn't look him in the eye for more than a few seconds. Nothing has been the same since he slept over. Nothing has been the same since he called me his. 

Peter's POV:

I kept looking over at her, I couldn't help it. She was beautiful. And the sun just beginning to set cast a golden light on her, which made her look even more beautiful. I wanted to tell her how I felt so bad, but I didn't know what to say. I didn't even know if she liked me back. And if she didn't and I "made a move" or whatever, could we still be friends? Or would it be awkward? What if I do ask her out and she says yes only out of pity? God, I hate this.

"Hey," As soon as I spoke she turned to look at me. "you know how Homecoming is coming up?"

"How could I not? There are like a million posters all over the walls, and at least 20 banners. Honestly, I think they're getting a little ahead of themselves." She looked away.

"Yeah, probably" I laughed under my breath.

"But I think I'd be pretty fun to go, but I don't have anyone to go with. It probably doesn't help that I don't know anyone, or that I already don't like anyone there, they all kind of suck. Except for you, I like you." She smiled at me and I just about died.

"I like you too." But I meant it in a different way than she did. "But don't worry, you're not alone. I don't have anyone to go with either"

"Really? I thought you already had a date?" Her raised eyebrows matched her confused tone.

"Nope." Why does she think I have a date?

"Oh," Her face relaxed and she looked at the ground before looking back out at the landscape in front of us.

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