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Peter told me about his favourite books and I told him about mine.

Before long we reached my house. My mom and dads car was gone. They were still at the Avengers Compound.

"Well, thanks for walking me home. There are a lot of weirdos out there." We both laughed at the now inside joke.

"Just doing my job ma'am." he said as he saluted me.

"Let me know if you ever want to borrow any of my books"

"Same here" he gave me that goofy grin again, and I slipped into his mind by accident when our hands brushed one another. I quickly pulled it away and covered the spot with my other hand and squeezed.

"I wish we could hang out longer, I really like you" he thought. I left his head.

"Hey, this might be weird, since we just hung out and all but, do you want to come in? You could borrow some of my books or we could watch some movies?" Maybe it wasn't fair reading his mind all the time but its practice! Plus, I wanted to hang out longer too.

Another smile played at his lips. "Sure." he said.

"Great." I was suddenly glad that my mom had taken down all the family photos in case I wanted to have anyone over. I didn't think I would, it being the first few months of school and all. We got up to my room and left our shoes at my door.

We talked about books for a while before deciding to watch something. Immediately I went to Disney plus and pulled up the old star wars movies.

"Oh, sorry" I said when I noticed him looking at me and smiling "you're the guest, you should pick" I handed him the remote. But he was still looking at me. "What?" I laughed.

A smile stretched across my face without me realizing. "What?!" I said again.

"Nothing it's just- we have a lot more in common than I thought"

"Oh, okay then. You could've just said that you know" I lightly knocked his shoulder with mine.

Having a friend in that big new school where I knew nobody was a huge relief. And because I could read his mind I knew he was thinking the same things. I'm glad that I told him that I knew his secret, but I don't think its fair that I know his but he doesn't know mine. Maybe I should  tell him.


We were listening to music now, and lying down on my bed opposite ways (His head was at my feet and vise versa)  Always forever by Cults was playing softly in the background.

"You know, before now I've never been to a real school"

"I know, you told me you were homeschooled."

"No, I mean, like, I've never really been friends with anyone my age before" I said sitting up on my elbows, Peter did the same.


"Yeah, oh god that makes me sound so pathetic doesn't it?" I said running a hand through my hair and flopping back down on my back.

"No, it doesn't! Wait, you know what this means?" He said suddenly sounding excited.


"I'm your first friend!" He laughed, but not in a mocking way, it was different with him. If I was with anyone else, I would've thought they were making fun of me, but with Peter I knew he would never make fun of me. Or do anything that would hurt my feelings, at least, not intentionally. I covered my face with my hands and laughed. He lightly punched my knee "Aww shucks, I'm so honored!"

"Oh shut up" I said jokingly slapping his leg.

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