CW: Catcalling

We talked some more about the project on the way to my house. When we were at my porch I stopped.

"Thanks for walking me home."

"No problem, Evelyn." He said, a smile playing on his lips. "She has such a beautiful name," He thought.

God, I really need to learn how to control that.

The next day...

Peter and I had the same English class but we didn't sit together. He sat diagonally from me. That day I spent the entire class studying him. There was something off about this boy. Maybe he has a secret of some kind?

I wasn't looking forward to lunch at all. Normally I would just sit in the library and read. As I was walking through the cafeteria, I saw a familiar face waving me over. I couldn't help but smile when I realized Peter inviting me to sit with him and his friend. I walked over and sat down across from Peter.

"Hi, I'm Evelyn," I said holding out my hand to Peter's friend. He hesitated for a moment before shaking my hand.

"I'm Ned." He smiled awkwardly and I played with my ring.

"Evelyn is in most of my classes. We're doing a science project together." Peter explained.

The lunch was long and awkward. I was relieved when the bell rang.


That night we worked more on the project at Peters's house.

"Sorry lunch was awkward today." Peter stared suddenly.

"It's fine. I'm always really awkward. It was probably my fault." I said looking down at my ring and spinning it around my finger.

"It wasn't your fault." He said and I looked up from my hands.

"Thanks" I said so quietly it was almost impossible to hear. 

"You're welcome." Somehow he heard me. I bit my lip trying to hide the obvious rose colour growing on my cheeks and looked back down at my hands, my hair falling like a curtain around both sides of my face.

After working for a while longer in silence, I was putting my shoes back on.

"Do you want me to walk you home again?"

"No, that's alright. My house isn't far."

"Okay. Be safe. I'll see you tomorrow."

"I will, thanks. See you tomorrow!"

The sun had set quickly, leaving the lamp posts to be basically my only light source. The wind was cold and harsh, targeting my exposed skin. The whole time I was walking I felt like someone was following me, but when I turned around I couldn't see anyone. Ahead of me, there was a homeless man. He seemed very drunk and a little angry.

"Hey!" he called out to me and I started to walk faster, pulling my coat closer to me. He whistled at me and I ignored him again. I just wanted to go home.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you it's not nice to ignore men who think you're pretty?" he slurred some of the words, probably because of the alcohol, or maybe he was having a stroke. But that's just wishful thinking. Just as I passed him I heard another whistle. This time I turned around. But it wasn't the drunk man. It was some kind of superhero? And he was swinging down from a building. He landed in front of the drunk man and shot a web into his face. He was wearing a red and blue onesie-looking thing, it was clearly handmade but well done.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you it's not okay to harass women?" In a split second, he stuck the drunk guy to the lamp post, high enough so that he couldn't reach the ground and turned to me. "Are you alright ma'am?" he said suddenly deepening his voice.

"I- yes thank you, who are you?"

"I'm Spider-Man."

"Well, thank you Spider-Man"

"Just doing my job ma'am." He saluted me and swung away. I laughed a little at the strange situation and continued walking home.


Sorry the school scenes are so short, I've been doing online school for almost 3 years so I have no idea what goes on anymore lol.

Also, this chapter specifically reminds me of Looking Out For You by: Joy Again from the playlist

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