I laid there for a moment, frozen. I grabbed my phone and googled: Do people tell the truth when they're drunk?

anon3203: Yes.

I stared at the screen a moment longer, not wanting to move. I couldn't breathe. I didn't want to breathe. The tightness in my chest grew as I blinked the dryness from my eyes and turned off my phone, setting it back down on my nightstand. 

Does that mean he meant it when he said he wanted me? 

Peter probably wouldn't remember this in the morning, but I would. I would remember this for the rest of my life. The question is, should I remind him of his drunken confession? If I did, how would I even bring that up? How would I talk to him about this?

What would I say to him? That I love him too? I don't even know if I love him, I mean, I know that I like him but do I love him? How would I even know if I did?

Through the night he kept speaking, something that hadn't heard the last time he slept over, so it's safe to say it's probably the alcohol.

I hardly slept that night. I woke up early in the morning. Midtown Tech gave its students the day after the dances off, and since the dance was on Thursday, we got a long weekend. It was almost as if they knew that students would get drunk and didn't want them to come to school hungover. I decided to read until Peter woke up. I sat up with my back against my headboard.

Speaking of hungover... 

"Good morning, Rockstar," I said as I kept looking down at my book.

"Hey," he said quietly as he sat up next to me.

"How did you sleep?"

"I slept alright, thanks. What about you?"

"Not too bad. You talk in your sleep." I looked over at him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you"

"It's fine," I looked back down at my book and turned the page. "I'm actually quite flattered you were saying my name." I smiled and paused for a moment, letting the weight of my words sink in a little. "Which reminds me, I put your tie, blazer and shirt on a hanger in my closet. Oh, and your belt too."


"Sure. And I don't know if you saw, but your shoes are by my door."

"Yeah, I saw. Thanks"

"Of course."


We were downstairs on my couch watching TV. During an ad break, Peter turned to me. "So, do you have any plans this weekend?"

I let out a quite shaky breath. "Uh, yeah, actually. I'm uh-" I stuttered, looking down at my hands "I'm going out with Dylan on Saturday." When I looked back at him I noticed that Peter's shoulders dropped a little. I did feel bad, seeing as he had just drunkenly confessed his love to me last night, but I made these plans back when I thought Peter already had a date to Homecoming, and I didn't want to ditch him, because Peter was probably just thinking of someone else when he said that or something. I didn't even want to go out with Dylan I just felt like I couldn't say no.

"Sounds fun"

"Yeah, maybe."

"I should probably get going."

"Oh. I- I guess sure."

"Thanks again for helping me out"

"Anytime, Peter." I managed to crack a smile. I felt like dying. I felt so sick about me going out with Dylan, but he said it wouldn't really be a date, but if I have learned anything from romantic comedies it's that it's always is a date.

Not only that, My parents have to go fight another villain or something so they will be gone for at least 2 months. Now that Peter had just left, I was completely alone.

A tear rolled down my cheek as he shut the door behind him.

Monday, in gym class...

I was sitting on the wooden bleachers next to a couple of girls. All of us had lied to the coach and said that we had a group sleepover on Sunday, and all our periods synced up so we wouldn't have to participate.

I wasn't saying anything, I was just looking over at Peter, who was doing sit-ups.

"What about you, Evelyn?" Liz asked. 

I looked over at her. "Sorry, what?"

"We're playing f marry kill"


"See for me it'd be... f Thor, marry Iron-Man and kill Hulk." Said Betty Brant.

"What about you?" Liz asked me again

"Well I wouldn't 'f' anyone"

"Okay, then just choose why you'd marry and who you would kill"

"Alright, I guess... I don't know, I'd marry Spider-Man and kill Hawkeye" I hope Peter didn't hear me.

"Oh my god she's crushing on Spider-Man" Betty said.

"I am not" I replied. Peter turned his head slightly and I made eye contact with him for a split second before I looked away.

"Wait I totally forgot, I'm having a party on Halloween, you guys should come!" Everyone I was sitting with agreed and started talking excitedly. I didn't say anything. "What about you Evelyn, are you coming"

"I don't know, parties aren't really my thing"

"Please come! Please" I don't know why she was so adamant about me coming, we hardly knew each other.

"Alright, I guess I will"


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