"You can't catch me off guard when I have spidey sense."

"Damn it!" I laughed as he put me down. "Well, there goes a great scare" We turned the corner and started to walk.

"It's not a great scare if I can hear you from down the street."

"Just let me have this, Pete," I said linking elbows with him. I hadn't even really realized that I did it until we got halfway down the street.

Peters POV:

She tried to scare me by running and jumping on me, but I grabbed her before she landed on the ground. I wish I could live in that moment forever. I want to kiss her right now. So bad. But I can't. 

Okay, so maybe it's not a little crush.

As we walked she linked her elbow with mine and I felt butterflies in my stomach. She was so adorable, it was hard to believe that she wanted to hang out with me at all, let alone how much we've been hanging out.

When we weren't hanging out I would be telling Ned about her. I could tell he was getting sick of it, but I can't help it. She's on my mind 100% of the time.

(start playing My Kind of Woman by Mac Demarco now for it to match up)

She held an earbud out in front of me and I took it, already hearing music playing.

"What song is this?"

"My Kind of Woman by Mac Demarco."

"I love this song," I said looking down at her. She laid her head on my arm for a while, until we got to my apartment building. 

The sky was getting darker now, and I didn't want anything to happen to her while she was walking home. She lifted her head and removed her arm from mine. Suddenly, my whole body went cold.

"I think I should walk you home, there are a lot of weirdos out there," I said smiling.

She beamed back at me. "Well, what kind of friend would I be if I said no?" We turned back around and I walked her to the end of her street. I put my arm around her shoulders for a moment as we were crossing the street, when the harsh wind blew, and before I moved it she reached her hand up and held mine, resting her head on me once again. I bit down on my bottom lip to stop myself from grinning too big. That warm feeling returned and I felt like I was on top of the world. "You're my, my, my, my kind of woman." Rang through the earbuds. My heart felt whole again. Possibly for the first time.

We did that for an hour, back and forth, back and forth, listening to My Kind of Woman on a loop. But I didn't mind. It was a peaceful night, walking beside her while she snuggled up to me to keep warm from the cold wind that blew only ever so often. What a girl.

Eventually, I dropped her off at her house.

Evelyn's POV:

"Hey, um this might be weird but- when I was waiting for you I texted May that I was sleeping over at Ned's, so if I go home I'll have to tell her the truth-"

"What, were you hoping to get lucky or something, Parker?" I said with a blank expression. Panic set in quickly and it showed.

"What?! No! I wasn't trying to-"

"Relax, I'm messing with you."

"Oh," he said quietly. 

"Of course, you can crash with me."


"Hey, I meant what I said earlier, I'd do anything for you"

We tip-toed up to my room and when I shut the door I locked it behind me.

"You have to be out of here by 10, okay?"

"Sure, no problem. Thanks again."

"Yeah, anytime. The only problem is- I don't have any extra blankets."

"That's okay, I don't need one-"

"Peter I'm not going to let you sleep on the floor without any blankets. You can just sleep in my bed with me."

"Okay," he hesitated for a moment but then walked over and took off his shoes and jacket. I walked into my bathroom and closed the door. I stood there for a moment frozen. Did I just say that he could sleep in my bed with me? Oddly enough it didn't bother me in the slightest. I changed quickly into an oversized graphic tee and pyjama pants. I brushed my teeth and walked back into my room. I moved the covers and got into bed.

"Goodnight," I said. I will admit, it was a little weird to sleep in the same bed as Peter (especially because I haven't known him for that long) but I trusted him and I knew he was a good person.

"Night" He turned off the light. We faced opposite ways and I looked at my bookshelf against the wall next to my balcony door.

I thought of what he said earlier. My Evelyn. The memory brought a smile to my face. I replayed it in my head over and over again.

My Evelyn. My Evelyn. My. Evelyn.

That sweet memory eventually drifted me off to sleep.

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