"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the Spider-Man thing earlier."

"It's fine, we've all got secrets"

"Oh, yeah?" He said sitting up on his elbows again. "Like what?"

"Well if I told you it wouldn't be a secret, would it?" I said smirking.

"Come onnn I told you mine!"

Slightly offended I sat up "You did not! I figured it out! How dare you!"

"Oh whatever!" he said sitting up too.

"No, it's not whatever. Get out!" I joked.

"You're breaking up with me?!" he said a hand on his chest and a over emotional expression on his face showing he was kidding.

"Yes I am!"

He wiped a fake tear from his eye and placed a hand on my cheek. His hands were cool against my warm skin, but I didn't mind the sudden affection-- even if it was just for a joke.

"Oh my Evelyn how I'll miss you so!" he laughed.

"I'm afraid I'll miss you too, Bartholomew."

"Bartholomew?!" he said dropping his hand, leaving it on my knee. I'm not sure he noticed, but I did.


"Why am I Bartholomew?"

"Why not? Are you upset?" I could hardly think with his hand still on my knee, and I could feel my heart starting to beat faster.

"No, I think it suits me."

"Really?!" I said, no longer being able to control my laughter.

"Of course! If you want me to be Bartholomew, then Bartholomew I shall be!"

"You'd be Bartholomew for me?"

"Oh come on, I'd do anything for you!" his chest visibly tightened for a split second realizing what he just said. His eyes looked at the ground.

"Well, I'd do anything for you too, Peter" He looked up at me and smiled. But it faded slightly after a second.

Peters mind:

She's just saying that because she feels bad for me. I'm such an idiot. 

"And I'm not just saying that, I mean it." I gave him a warm smile.


We listen to music again until I heard something downstairs. My parents.

"Shit!" I jumped up from my bed.


"My parents are home!"


"Just- get up!"

"Evelyn! We're home!"

"Okay!!" I called down to them. Thank god he took his shoes off in my room and not downstairs.

I shoved them in his bag and zipped it up. I shoved it at him.

"Put this on."

"Why, what's going on?"

"Just do it! You said you'd do anything for me, so now's your time to prove that." I whisper-yelled at him, starting to hear my mom's high heels clacking up the stairs. I opened my balcony sliding door as quietly as I could and told him not to say a word. I shut it and closed the curtain.

I jumped on my bed, pretending to read.

"Hey, mom!"

"Hey honey!"

"How was your dinner party?"

"Oh, it was great! But I'll tell you about it tomorrow. First, lets let some light in!" she walked over to my balcony.


"It's not a big deal, Evelyn! You're not a vampire!" She pulled the curtains open and I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping that would stop reality. "See! now, it'll be easier to read." She placed a kiss on the top of my head and left. I waited until I heard the last clack of her high heels on the bottom step. My head snapped to the balcony. He wasn't there. Perhaps he was shot down by my father. 

I ran over and opened the door. He was gone, but he wasn't on the ground either. I looked up. He was on the roof. I forgot he was Spider-Man for a minute. I moved over, giving him enough room to jump down. I turned on my TV, in case my parents heard talking and became suspicious, making sure the volume was loud.

"Oh, my god." He said when he got in my room

"What?" I whispered back.

"I'm your dirty little secret!" He said with a smirk. He's deriving too much pleasure from this.

"You are not!"

"Mmhmm. Then why was I just on the roof two seconds ago because your parents came home?"

I let out a long sigh, crossing my arms. "Fine, but it's not dirty!"

"Yeah, but it's still a secret."

"You should go home."

"Yeah, probably"

"I'll tell my mom I'm going for a walk, you jump out the balcony and meet me at the stop sign at the end of the street."

"Okay," he hugged me and then stepped back. The hug wasn't long enough, only a few seconds. "Good luck soldier," he said saluting me again. I saluted him back and opened the door for him after he put on his shoes. I turned off the TV and walked downstairs with my phone in my back pocket.

"I'm going for a walk, I'll be back in a few hours."

"Okay! Don't get lost!"

"I won't. Plus, I have my phone with me. 100%." I said putting on my shoes.

"Great. Love you!"

"Love you too!" It wasn't unusual for me to go walking for hours. I did it all the time before we moved here, back when we lived at the compound. I used to be gone for almost a whole day just walking around aimlessly, thinking about nothing. It was the perfect excuse.

I could see Peter, facing the other way, waiting for me at the end of the street. I ran up to him and jumped. To my surprise, he turned and caught me before I landed back on the ground. I squealed not expecting this sudden movement. I swear I felt my heart skip a beat.

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