We left for Germany early.

Peter and I took different flights, but would arrive at the hotel lobby at the same time, and meet for the first time, or at least that's what Tony and my mom think.

The plane ride was 7 hours long, but I was occupied by the many books that I brought. Tony made jokes that I was bringing a whole library with me, but I had no idea how long I'd be there! Plus, I only brought 4 (because I plan to buy some in Germany).

I didn't get to read much because I fell asleep 15 minutes into the flight. By the time we got to the car that would take us directly to the hotel, I was fully rested and excited to see Peter again. The car made a stop, and Peter got into the limo, a smile plastered to his face.

"Hi, I'm-"

"Hold it. There's a contract before the name exchanges begin." Tony interrupted, handing both me and Peter a copy of a contract. I looked over at Peter, then back down to read the lengthy contract.

It basically said that if you reveal the identity of anyone you meet through Tony Stark or any of the avengers, that being, a photo of them, or their real name, address, ext. you would be kidnapped in the middle of the night, then shot in the head twice.

A bit extensive if you ask me.

"Wow, beautifully written," I said sarcastically.

"This is a serious document, and if you fail to follow these instructions, you will be killed. As the contract clearly states. Sign on the dotted line." He said, handing us both a black pen. We both signed and Tony put them in a password-protected briefcase. "Now you may introduce yourselves."

"Hi, I'm Peter Parker." Peter said holding out his hand.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Evelyn Maximoff." I said shaking his hand, hiding my smile by biting the inside of my lip.

"You two and I will be staying in the same hotel, and everyone else will be staying elsewhere, under fake names to eliminate all suspicion. This is a super-secret operation. You may not under any circumstance post about this in any format under any fake persona or app, you may not tell anyone about this. All the people that need to know, know. Everyone else will be kept in the dark. Do you understand me?"

"Yes," Peter and I said at the same time quickly glancing at each other.

When we got to the hotel Tony walked ahead of us checking all three of us.

"Yes I have a Howard Potts here, but unfortunately, we only have one more room available."

"Is there anything you can do?"

"Unfortunately not sir, room 114 is getting repairs and will remain vacant for another month. Though, I do see that we have another room available. It has two beds, would that be alright?" She said, glancing over at Peter and me for a moment when Tony wasn't looking. Peter and I looked at each other. 

"Yes, that'll be fine." Tony said, letting out a long sigh.

When we got out of the elevator Tony handed us both a key.

"Okay, your room is 237. Now, listen to me, you will sleep in your separate beds. Under no circumstance will you two sleep in the same bed together" He said extending a scolding pointed finger.

"Howard, we just met not even an hour ago. Do you really think that we will jump into bed the second you're not looking?" It felt weird calling him by his father's name, but I couldn't take the chance that no one could hear us.

"You have a good point, but still, don't. Ever. I will know."

"Okay, Howard" I rolled my eyes. He can be so dramatic sometimes. Strike that. All the time.

"You have the rest of the day today to get settled. Be up and outside by 9:35." He said, walking off before we could respond. Peter and I walked down the hall to our room and unlocked the door. As soon as we heard the click letting us know the door had shut and locked, we burst out laughing. I looked around the room quickly. I only let my laughter falter for a moment.

One bed.

There's only one bed.

Not only that, but it's a Honeymoon suite.

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