Peter got into the car. "Give me a sec." I said, shutting the door behind him. I turned to Natasha, who had stood a little behind me. "What's up?"

"How do you know the kid?"

"Uh, he's in my math class, why?"

"No reason," She said looking at the ground. "You two close friends?" She said looking into my eyes. I could feel my cheeks flush a little, though not enough to be noticeable.

"Yeah we're friends, he's a nice guy."

"Hm." She paused. "You should probably, get goin' then."

"I guess. Bye Nat."

"I'm guessing I'll see you two at our next meeting?"

"Maybe, yeah." We exchanged smiles before I walked back to the car and got in. Happy drove away shortly after, with the divider up.

"What was that about?" Peter whispered so Happy didn't hear.

"Nothing really, it was kind of weird, she just asked me how I knew you."

"Do you think she knows?" Peter mouthed.

"Definitely not, there's no way she could know." I paused, looking at the ground, my mind spinning. "Right?"


Peter and I got into our rooms and took turns changing in the bathroom. We put our suits into the safe in our room. I changed into jeans and a t- shirt, Peter was wearing the same jeans from earlier, and a sweater.

Peter and I were watching The Office when I had an idea. Were were starting on season 1 episode 1.

"Hey, wanna do something fun and kind of stupid?" I said as Dwight pulled a plate of Jell-O out of his drawer, with his stapler inside.

"Always" Peter said smiling at me.

"Wanna sneak out?"

"What? Of the hotel?"

"Yeah! We could go to... I don't know, a café or something and eat some bread. Come on!! It'll be so much fun!"

"So let me get this straight, at 11:30pm you want to sneak out of a fancy all expenses paid hotel where we could literally get whatever we want, at anytime, ever to go eat some bread at a random café?"

"Pretty much, yeah"

"I'm in."

"Really?!" I said looking back up at him, smiling widely.

"Of course. I'd do anything for you, remember? Also, bread sounds really good right now."

We both grabbed our key cards and phones, making sure they were 100% charged, and put them in my bag. We put on our shoes. Peter grabbed a jacket, the same one he left at my house what felt like ages ago, but I didn't. I opened the door quietly and peaked down the hall.

"The coast is clear" I whispered to Peter. We walked down the stairs and into the lobby, both checking for anyone we knew. No one. We ran through the lobby quickly, holding hands. I never even noticed when we grabbed each other's hand, it just... happened. 

But I didn't mind. At all.

We kept running down the street, laughing.

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