*Spoilers for Daisy Jones and The Six*

The walk to school felt a million times longer with only a light jacket on. There was frost on the ground and the wind was freezing, making my cheeks and nose pink from the cold.

I left my gloves, hat and scarf in my locker as I walked to my first class. 

I sat down next to Peter, just like always. Peter looked at me for a moment,

"You cut your hair" Peter said quietly.

"You noticed?"

"Of course, I did" I smiled widely.

"There's that dimple again," He said smoothly, casually pointing at my right cheek, wrinkling his nose. Subconsciously my hand raised to my cheek, as the teacher began the lesson.

The rest of the day went by in a fast blur. Peter joined me in the library for lunch and we read each other's favourite books. Mine is Daisy Jones and The Six, and he was The Lord of the Rings.

"Okay but I don't understand why Billy doesn't want her in the band"

"Because he has a crush on her and is trying to be a good person, even though he's not."

"But they were friends!"

"Sometimes friends turn on each other because of jealously" 

"I know, I'm just so mad because I thought he was a good person."

"Until he cheated on Camila for the first time, but just wait, it gets better." I said excitedly as we left the library. I'm so happy that he likes my favourite book because I don't know what I would've done if he didn't.


Tonight Peter couldn't come over, which was fine, I guess. We did just hang out for like 12 hours yesterday. I sat on my reading chair and continued to read The Lord of the Rings.

also, sorry that this chapter is so short, I wrote this chapter like a month ago and I'm doing editing and it said "we had a conflict in saving your story do you want to keep this version?" I clicked yes AND IT DELETED HALF THE CHAPTER? WHAT????????????????

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