"So why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?" I could see that he knew that I knew, but he was denying it.

"That you're Spider-Man!"

"Whhhaaaaaattttt noooooo me? Spider-Man? Noooooo...." I couldn't tell him that I can read minds but I could show him his notebook. I took it out of my bag, stood up and flipped it to the right page

"Then what's that?"

I read his mind.

"At least she hasn't found my suit. Or my web shooters, this I can lie about"  I left.

"Oh, this! No, no. You've got it all wrong! I was confused on how he made the web shooters so I thought it's be a fun project, to re make them...?" While he was talking I looked around his room to find where he might of hid is suit. There. He had access to the attic through his room, but I was too short. Then I saw a baseball bat in the corner just as he finished talking.

Without really thinking I grabbed the bat and lifted up the doorway. And sure enough, his suit fell to the ground. Then I walked over to his desk and pulled out one of the drawers, reveling two web shooters. I had found these by accident. He was in the bathroom and I was looking for a pen because mine had stopped working. At the time I had no idea what they were, but now I do. All of the pieces were falling into place. I turned around and looked at him, my hands on my hips. God, I feel like my mother right now.

"I- that I can-"

"What, you can explain it? Come on Pete, just admit it. You're Spider-Man. The evidence is pretty damning, don't you think?" I said flatly.

He let out a long sigh of defeat. "Fine. You got me. But how did you know?" He said sitting down on his bed

"Well I-" I stopped for a moment. "The other day, I accidently took your notebook instead of mine, and then I dropped it and saw the drawings, and my pen dried up once when you were in the bathroom and I was looking for another one- that's when I found the web shooters."

"And how did you find my suit?" He lowered his voice to a whisper. "I thought I hid that so well." 

"Lucky guess" I said sitting next to him. "I have to ask, that time you saved me? What was with the voice?!" We both erupted into laughter.

"Well I don't know! I just wanted to make sure you didn't know it was me!" he said, still laughing.

"Well, you failed"

"I know. At least the rest of the world doesn't know!" (sorry, I had to.)

"Yeah, you're right"


Sorry this was short.

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