Just as we sat down Happy burst into the room dramatically. We both turned to him.

"Hey Happy!"

"Oh, hey."

"What did you have to tell us?"

He closed the door. "Tony got an update on Rhodey. He'll be paralyzed for the rest of his life. Though, there is a thing that will help him walk again."

"Well, it's good that there's something to help him, right? So, he'll be fine?"

"Yes. Aside from the paralysis, Rhodey will be just fine."

"Can we go see him?"

"He's back in America with Tony. You can see him next week, he needs to recover a little more before he can see any visitors."

"Okay, thanks for telling us Happy."

"Sure. Also, you two will only be in Germany for another week instead of the scheduled three. Really you should be going home tomorrow, but Tony is letting you two stay for another week to explore, have fun, whatever. That's all, have a good night."

"Happy? When is everyone else going home?"


"So you're saying that we'll have a week alone in Germany?"

"Yes. But be responsible"

"You've known me my whole life! When have I not been responsible?" Happy narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Just, don't blow your cover and don't die, okay?"

"I promise." Happy left without saying another word.

He burst back in a second later. "Can I speak to you for a moment?" He asked. "Alone." He looked at Peter.

"Sure" I got up and walked out of our room with him. "what's up?"

"How long have you known this boy?"

"Like 2 months? Something like that. I don't know, I'm not counting the days or anything" 73 days 12 hours and, somewhere around 33 minutes.

"Where did you meet him?"

"School, he's in some of my classes."

"Are you two dating?" He said narrowing his eyes again.

I laughed. "What?!" I said a little too loud. "No!" I furrowed my brows and shook my head. "Why would you think that?"

"Well, you're the same age, he's a boy, you're a girl"

"Thanks for the anatomy lesson. Remind me again Happy, are you and Pepper friends?"


"Are you two dating?"


"See, guys and girls can be friends without dating or being in love with each other"

"Who said anything about love?"


"I don't know, it just works with my example okay?"

"Okay..." He narrowed his eyes again.

"Is that it?"

"Yeah." He walked away. I walked into my room and shut the door behind me.

"What was that about?" Peter said as I sat next to him on the bed.

"Happy was just asking me a bunch of questions like, when and where did I meet you, are we dating, stuff like that."

"So he knows?"

"No, no. If Happy knew he would tell Tony, then Tony would be here in like 6 seconds bursting through the window and brutally murdering you."

He took a deep breath in. "Yeah, maybe we should keep this a secret for, like, ever."

"Don't worry, I'd protect you." I said, snuggling up to him.

"Thanks" He smiled, putting his arm around me. "What do you want to do this week?" he said after pausing for a moment.

"I have a few ideas, I want to go to a bookstore and get some German books"

"That sounds like fun"

"Yeah, and we definitely have to go buy some bread"

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