Chapter 52

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Savat hands me the file on the man who sired me.

Rodrigo Ramirez.

Fifty-seven year old son of Mateo and Maria Ramirez.
Looking at the picture of Maria leaves me stunned. There is no doubt in my mind we share a blood relation. We have the exact same eye colour, complexion and build. I have a different facial structure, but that is it.

I keep going through the file. His father was a soldier for the Marsans and his mother a teacher. His sister left the mafia and married a general shop owner then had Vanessa.

I can see how they confused me for Vanessa. The similarity is obvious.

Rodrigo worked his way up to second in command since before Javier's reign and is training his son to follow suite.

He has a son?

I keep going over the file and realise that the son is just as bad as the father. True psycopaths with no moral fibre.
Mateo, who is only a month older than me, is known for skinning alive anyone who pisses him off. Including a sixteen-year-old who insulted him once.

Real great genes I got there.
And yes, there is a DNA test proving that he is my biological father.

Reading all of the things he has done makes me want to vomit. He is known for mutilating his enemies friends and families in front of them before killing them.
There are also a few rape charges on file were the women were beaten to an inch of their life before the cases were dropped.
The pictures are deeply disturbing.

"And I thought my father was sick." I hear Ita mutter going over the file.
Savat and I share a look before looking back at her.

Feeling eyes on her she looks up from the file. "What?"

"You just said your father was sick." I cannot believe it even as I am saying it.

"We have known each other for four years and that is the first time you mention your past." Savat explains.

It took a while to build the relationship the three of us now have. We are all private people, but Ita has always been a vault. They know enough about my past, and Savat shared the gist of his story, but all Ita has ever said was that she was born in America.

"My father hated me. He tried to kill my, my bestfriend, then sold me to a brothel when I saved him."

The way she says it, there is obviously more to it. "Your best friend or your boyfriend?"

She sighs. Probably not wanting to revisit the memories. "We were young, our lives were shit, but we didn't care. He was my everything." I believe her. I truly believe her.

"Where is he now?" Savat asks.

"I don't know. Nor do I want to. He thinks I'm dead. Everyone does." She looks back down at the file and I know she is done with this conversation.

Who knew?

"What's the plan?" Savat asks once Ita and I have gone over the file.

"Do we have a location on Vanessa?"

"Yes. She is in their dungeons." They caught her?

"Maybe she has a plan too." Ita jokes.

"We have no time for that." Who knows how long her plan will take? I want him dead now.

"Scared Hades will find you?" Savat asks with a laugh.

Yes, I ran.

But this time I left a note.

A knock on the door interrupts their laughter.

"Maybe that's him." Savat goes to get the door cracking himself up.

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