Chapter 8

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Photo: Tatiana, Anastasia and Olga 1912

Me and Papa sang together for a while until we heard Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia clap by the door. I turned around and said "Sisters! what are you doing here?" I exclaimed. "Do it again one more time!" Maria said clapping her hands Papa chuckled and said "Not now my dear's you got work's to do I have works too" Papa said. He kissed us goodbye and walked out of the room.

"What was the name of the song you were singing?" Anastasia ask curiously. "Its a poem called Lilac by Alexander Blok" I asnwered "Oh he must have such lovely poems!" Maria said sitting in the chair by the window I slightly nodded my head and smiled. "Tatya, Sofi! we are late for our classes lets go!" Olga exclaimed bursting in the room. We waved goodbye to the little pair and headed in the balcony to have French lessons with our French teacher Pierre Gilliard.

"Good evening Monsieur Gilliard!" I greeted sitting down in my chair next to Olga. "Good evening Girls" Gilliard greeted back aswell. He started teaching us Tatiana was much better at pronouncing French than me.

After classes me and Olga headed back to our room to relax. I wonder if Andrei had left already if he did without saying Goodbye to me i'll haunt him in his dreams. I was staring out the window thinking about Andrei. "Is there something wrong Sofia?" Olga asked "No" i said. "Are you su-" Olga was cut off by a knock on the door "Come in" I said. Charlotte entered with a letter on hand "A letter for you Sofia" she said handing over the letter to me. She then left the room. "Who is it from?" Olga asked "No one i said" I went and sat on my bed I looked at the letter and its adressed to To: Grand Duchess Sofia Nikolaevna From: Andrei Feodorov. I opened the letter it said:

Dear Sofi,

I have arrived in Yekaterinburg i am now spending time with my family. I would like to thank you once again Sofia for giving me a chance to see my family May God bless you your higness. How are you doing? Are you doing good?. Im sorry but i have to go Thank you again send my regards to your Papa. God bless.


I smiled so hard. He has such a nice handwriting. I grabbed my pen and started writing to him. "Your responding to your crush?" Olga smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and continued to write to him. I finished writing to him i decided that i would send this to him after Lunch.

I grabbed my book and sat next beside to Olga waiting for someone to call us for Lunch. Tatiana bursted in the door and seated next to Olga "You have a letter from Dmitri!" Tatiana exclaimed. We both smirked at Olga who was reading her letter "Can you two stop with that face?" Olga complained. We both stopped smirking and continued on what were doing.

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