Chapter 48

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Photo: Romanov Sister's during house arrest in Alexander Palace 1917

April 1917

Siblings are all recovered from Measles and had their head shaved it was Olga's idea so when our french tutor Pierre Gilliard took a picture of them outside Olga was the one smiling the hardest, all of them smiled which is a good thing. Now we're out here chopping wood and planting vegetables, Alexei is sick again and Mama stays on the balcony with Papa.

My sister's except Olga and i approaches the guards and starts a conversation with them, Olga has changed a lot since house arrest and spends more of her time alone or with me. Anastasia is being more mischievous trying to make Mama and Alyosha laugh through this time of terror.

I loved sending letters to our extended family but now im scared to send one because they read it and check if there's any invisible ink before sending it to the person.

I also join Papa on daily morning walks sometimes together with Olga and her book. Maria also served some of the guards that has been with us for a long time some tea and begged them to stay which they did thankfully.

I continued chopping woods with Tatiana. "This is exhausting" Tatiana says wiping a sweat with her handkerchief, "I know, how about a little break?" I said, "Yes lets go back inside" Tatiana says as i followed her inside.

We sat in the window sill in our room drinking ice tea and watching the little pair walk outside. "How long since we lived like this?" Tatiana asks, "A- a month" i stuttered, "Wow it feels like yesterday since we got stripped off our titles" Tatiana says, "I know but maybe we will live more happier than our previous lifestyle" I say, "We'll see" Tatiana says as she leaned on the windows.

Olga walks in the room and sat on the chair and stretched her legs, "Tired?" I ask, "Obviously" Olga sassed, "Where's Mama?" Olga asked, "I dont know" i replied, "Why?" Tatiana asked, "I just want to talk to her" Olga answered as she poured herself some tea.

The library was my favourite place in the Palace but now its locked, im so used to go there every after lunch or before going to bed, there i felt safe all alone, peace and quiet away from the world.

"What is the thing you missed the most?" Tatiana questioned as she looked at me waiting for me to answer, "The library" i replied playing with my bracelet, "Its very obvious you miss the library ever since it was locked i find you sitting on the doors reading a book" Tatiana said, i looked at her and gave her a confused look and said, "How did you know?". "After lunch i would go back to our room with you following me and you would  grab a book from your shelf and go to somewhere then i followed you and find you sitting at the doors and reading" Tatiana explained, "You cant blame her the library is the most peaceful place in the world" Olga spitted out as she took a sip of her tea.

We three sat chatting together until we heard the giggles of Maria and Anastasia. "There you all are!" Maria exclaimed dragging a chair and sitting next to me, "Why are you all in the window sill?" Anastasia questioned as she sat on the armchair on Maria's chair, "Because its refreshing" Tatiana answered, "Especially with iced tea" Olga added.

We sat awkwardly in silence drinking tea as me and Olga and Tatiana watched the Cossacks converse with each other outside, "Im glad some of them stayed" Tatiana muttered, "I know thanks to our darling Mashka" i said in a lower tone.

"Hmm?" Maria turns her head to us. I gave her a look of confusion. "I heard my name" She said, "We didn't" Olga said, "Oh. Well i guess i might be hearing things" Maria said as she continued to chew on her strawberries.

"Soo.. what are we going to do now?" Anastasia asked, "I dont know" Olga said, "How about we paint?" Tatiana suggests, "How about who can make the longest scarf?" Maria suggested, "Great idea! Lets go and grab our knitting tools!" Anastasia exclaimed running to her room with Maria behind her.

We started to knit a scarf with some music to hyphen up ourselves. I was not into this much it makes me lose interest fast.

We were all done Olga checked who's the winner and it was Anastasia of course, "Yey! Victory for me!" She jumped and clapped her hands. We applaud and smiled at her

Sorry if this chapter is short im quite busy with school now. 💗

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