Chapter 38

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Photo: Maria Nikolaevna Romanova 1914

August 1914

I sit in the garden drinking tea. Alexei is with me playing with his toy soldiers. Mama's health is at state again and her heart is Number 2 which is very bad, i have been writing to her every single day but she hasn't responded to any of it which made me worried. Tatiana is being more bossy, Anastasia is being more mischievous, and Maria and Alexei is still the same while i is the one who is updated on every single thing, me and Olga reads the newspaper everyday.

Papa is in Petrograd doing something very important but he will be home later and im very excited.

George and i have been writing for 4 months now and he asked Papa if he can visit me and thankfully he said yes, he will be coming home with Papa later. My hair has grown out i wear a little headband too and Anastasia said i look so much better with short hair and i agree with her its so much refreshing.

I went back inside the Palace and fixed myself up for literally no reason at all, kidding im just bored.

Sergei and i has been seeing each other more often since April and he was so happy because we didn't have to write each other letters every day.

But Sergei sometimes became very distant from me after he met Polina the palace cooker. I can tell he likes her very much, no i didn't have a liking on him i just view him as my brother or friend.

I sit in my bed and started reading a book i randomly got from Olga's bookshelf it was quite interesting i love this kinds of books, mostly fantasy or horror but Mama restricts me from reading those kind of books.

"Sofia Nikolaevna your father has officially arrived with Captain George Mountbatten" Charlotte informed. I got up and dusted off my dress and fixed my short hair before going out to see Papa.

I headed to the common rooms and sat down in the sofa next to George, i can feel my sister's eye on us. "Good evening Sofia Romanova, nice to finally see you again" George smiled, i can feel myself turning to a tomato "Good evening george nice to see you too as well" i smiled back.

Papa barged in and stood there with a devastating look in his face, he took a deep breath and says "We are at war with Germany". My eyes widened and i started to shake very badly, George noticed my intense shaking and hugged me. "Would you like to take a walk with me to clear off your anxiety?" He offered with a smile. I gladly accepted it and took his hand and followed him to the courtyard.

We walk around the courtyard thinking about the war that Andrei said in 1913, at first i didn't believed him but now its all coming true, what more could happen during the war, i pray to God that everything will be fine, those poor innocent people! Germany our relatives! Why can they do such a thing! Oh God have mercy on our souls.

"How are you?" George asked "Im fine how about you?" I answered "Im doing well now that i get to finally meet you" he smiled, i faced the other side to hide my blushing face. "How long are you staying in Russia?" I asked "For a month, maybe to help with the war as well" he answered, my eyes widened in shock "A-a month?" I repeated to make sure im not hearing things "Yes, you heard it right, a month" he smiled, i nodded my head and smiled back.

"Well atleast we dont need to write to each other just to ask 'how are you' to each other every single day" i chuckled "yeah, i know its quite a relief" George said "why do you take so long to respond to my letters?" I crossed my arms and glared at him. "It takes so long for me to receive it Sofia, it takes a week to receive it and a week for it to deliver" he stated "Okay now i know why" i smiled "What happened to your beautiful long hair? Why has it gone short?" George asked "I have contracted Measles back in March and i have to shave my head after i recovered due to my medications" I explained "Sad, i loved your beautiful braided hair, but you still look good with any hairstyle" George complimented "Thank you George i appreciate it" i smiled.

We went back inside the Palace, Papa has called out for George and he went to Papa's office while i headed back to our room to find all of my sisters there looking stressed and worried. "Whats up with the face's?" I say sitting next to Olga "Aren't you worried about the war?" Maria says "of course i am" i answered "He warned you and you didn't believed it" Olga shot a glare at me "Who?", " Andrei her little guardian angel" Olga answers "You knew this was coming and you didn't even warn us or something!?" Tatiana says, i ducked my head a little "well i thought it was just some foolish psychic work or something" i say, "How is it a foolish psychic work when a literal angel from heaven warned you!? Sometimes your dumb and doesnt even use their common sense" Tatiana raised her voice, the room grew silent as i statrted to feel a lump in my throat "Oh wow now its my fault, mistakes happen sometimes Tatiana!" I fired back "No-, Sofia wait!" Tatiana shouted as i walked out of the room.

I bursted in the library and started crying on one of the tables, how can she say such a thing, i know she's the Governess but that doesn't mean you boss your elder sister. You know what they were right, i knew it all along and i didn't even tell them so they can prep up. I began to sob harder not noticing George walking in. He sat beside me and rubbed my back, i layed in his shoulders letting myself cry. "What happened? Did someone hurted you or did something very bad to you?" He says stroking my hair. "So, i have this friend from the Standart that died a few years ago, he keeps visiting me in my dreams but one time he told me that there is going to be a war in 1914, at first i didn't believed him but now its coming true! I told Olga about this and she was scared but when i told my younger sisters Tatiana became very upset because i didnt warned them, she even called me dumb for believing its a physic work!" I bursted. "Sometimes we make wrong decisions, and from those wrong decisions we make we learn from them Sofia, so take this a lesson to yourself" George comforted "Thanks George" i smiled "No problem Sofia" he smiled back.

I walked around the courtyard to clear off my mind a little until i saw Sergei kneeling down and proposing to Polina, i hid behind the bush to watch Polina's answer, is this a invasion of privacy because theres no one around here. After a few minutes Polina finally answered and she said yes, i clapped my hand silently and watched as Sergei putted the diamond ring to Polina's finger and watched them kiss. I dont know how to congratulate them, should i just write a letter or them personally? Telling them personally is much better, since dinner will be later, i'll just go to the kitchen and congratulate Polina.

I went back inside the palace and headed to our room and wrapped a gift for Polina, its a heart ring i got from a trip to Sevastopol i think it would be a lovely gift. Tatiana barged in and sat next to me. "I am deeply sorry for the harsh words i have said to you, i was just really worried and shocked about the news that thise words slipped from my mouth! Please my darlingest sister forgive me" she says hugging me. "Its okay my dear Tatya i understand" i smiled "May God bless your loving and forgiving heart" Tatiana smiles. "What's that? Is it a gift from your Georgie" Tatiana smirked, i rolled my eyes and says, "No, its for Polina i saw Sergei proposing to her in the courtyard". " Really they're engaged? Thats wonderful news! I'll write a letter to them now! But are you sure you aren't seeing things?" Tatiana asks, i looked at her and nodded my head.

I'll deliver this later when its dinner time but for now im taking a nap, because it has been a stressful day! See you around the Palace halls! Love: Sofia Romanova.

This is just pure historical fiction none of the characters attitude are real and i do not own them, and please dont steal my book or copy it. Thats it see you tommorow!

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