Chapter 31

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Photo: Anastasia Nikolaevna 1912

October 1912 Livadia Palace

I was woken up by someone petting my hair "Good Morning Sofia its time for you to get up and prepare for the celebration, your 16 already" Charlotte muttered. I opened my eyes and sat up and said "Is my family waiting for me?" I looked at Charlotte as she nodded her head. I got up and showered

"The celebration will start later your sisters went out with your mother to buy you a gift" Charlotte stated "So only Papa and Alexei is waiting in the dining table?" I looked at her she nodded her head, "We are putting your hair up later, but your mother said to finish your work first before anything" Charlotte stated.

I headed to the dining room and sat next to Alexei. "Happy birthday Sonyechka" Alexei greeted as he handed out a drawing with me and him playing in the courtyard with Sony "happy birthday my sister sorry for being naughty sometimes i love you" it says written in the bottom. I looked at him and gave him a hug. "Do you like it" he looked up to me "Yes i do i love it so much thank you" i smiled as i pinched his cheeks.

"Happy birthday Sofia i have a surprise for you follow me" Papa ordered. I stood up and followed him to his office with Alexei following me behind. I sat in the chairs and waited for Papa to reveal the surprise "Close your eyes and stick your arms out!" Alexei ordered. I felt fur touch my arms. I opened my eyes and saw a white and brown puppy. My eyes widened in shock as i shed a tear and started to give the puppy a belly rub. "Thank you so much Papa! I love it so much! What's his breed" i smiled at him "he's a cavachon just like your last dog and he's a male as well" Papa answered "what are you gonna name him?" Alexei asked as he gave the dog a belly rub "Vicky would be a nice name" i answered "Its a nice name my dear daughter, welcome to the family Vicky!" Papa exclaimed.

I sat in my bedroom making Vicky a nametag so i can not mistake him for Sony. I believe he's Sony deep inside and he came back for me. I heard my sisters giggles from outside. Olga barged in the room first and handed me her gift. "Wow new dog? What's his or her name?" Anastasia asked picking Vicky up and giving him a belly rub "His name is Vicky a gift from Papa and maybe Mama or Alexei as well" i smiled.

I opened my gifts from my sisters and of course its shoes. "Sofia Nikolaevna its time to prepare" Charlotte stated. I got up and followed Charlotte. I sat in Mama's bedroom waiting for her to pick the dress. She revealed a long white dress "Since your 16 you'll get to wear longer dresses and have your hair up but first we have to put the dress on" Mama stated. I got up and putted the dress on Mama helped me. "Will me and my sisters gonna be matching?" I asked sitting down on the chair fixing my shoes "You and Olga, yes but for the little pair it will be different" Mama answered.

Charlotte started to braid my hair and putted it in the front making it look like a headband but braided, and pinned the rest of my hair in the bottom. "Wow my daughter it suits you well" Mama complimented. "Thanks Mama" i smiled at her.

I lined up with my sisters and paired with our partners. Thankfully Sergei was my partner "Thankfully i made it on time or else i wouldn't be able to dance with my friend" Sergei smiled,i turned my head hiding my blushing face "Thankfully you made it" i smiled "Anyways happy birthday the hair and dress suits you very well" Sergei commented. "Thanks Sergei i see you made yourself more good looking" i teased "Well i am good looking every day right?" He chuckled "Yes you do im just joking" we both laughed.

When Papa announced our name we headed in the middle of the dancefloor and danced gracefully as Mama and Papa watched us. "Thank you for this wonderful friendship Sofia Nikolaevna, Its an honour to dance with you on your Grand Debut ball" Sergei smiled as i twirled. "Thank you Sergei Petrovich i appreciate it" I smiled.

I saw the black man staring at me once again. I ignored it but its still there. I silently prayed. "Sofia are you okay?" Sergei asked me. I looked up and nodded my head "Lets take a rest for a while" i said walking out of the dancefloor and sat in the corner. "I have a gift for you" Sergei said taking out a small box with a ribbon. I opened the box revealing a full set of Butterfly jewelries "Wow Sergei i love it so much thank you" i smiled. "Here i'll put it on for you" Sergei said grabbing the box. He putted the ring first then the bracelet, everyone was staring at us which my heart beast fast. I turned around and he putted the necklace on. "You look beautiful" Sergei complimented kissing my hand making me blush "Thank you Sergei" i smiled.

I went out for a little walk with Vicky and Sergei, Vicky likes Sergei very much he keeps playing with him and chasing him whenever he runs. I grabbed out my camera and started to take pictures of them. Anastasia and Alexei was watching as well and they keep laughing everytime Sergei makes a funny face, i mean who wouldn't?

I helped Olga and Tatiana build a snow slide. I almost fell but thankfully i caught myself. Now Sergei is making Vicky sleep by rubbing his belly. He's like a father making his child fell asleep. "They're so cute" Olga muttered "I know" i smiled "Do you like him?" Olga asked "Yes but as a friend" i answered "Would you ever consider marrying him?" Olga looked at me "I wish but thats impossible" i answered. "So you do like him?" Olga smirked, i nodded my head and smiled.

I layed in bed with Vicky snoring on my bed. Tatiana knitted again beside the window "I cant wait for my 16th birthday" Tatiana said "Yes i know i cant wait as well" i smiled "The hair fits you well i love the braids" Tatiana commented "Thanks" i smiled "I think Vicky is having a bad dream" Tatiana said, i looked at Vicky and laughed "I think hes cold" i said covering him up with a blanket. "I love your butterfly jewelries" Tatiana commented "Thanks Sergei gave it to me" i smiled "He must like you very much" Tatiana smirked "Stop it Tanushka we're just friends" i said.

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