Chapter 45

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Photo: Olga and Tatiana Nikolaevna 1916

December 1916

Its Christmas day, all of us started opening gifts we got for each other then later we will open the gifts oir relatives got us, "Paints! Thanks Mama" Anastasia smiled as she pulled Mama for a hug, i also got the permission to have my hair lose more often from Mama she said that it fitted me more just like what Peter said.

Rasputin has been missing for a day now and they cant find him anywhere around St. Petersburg and all of us are really worried where Father Grigori is "Your hignesses the Dowager Empress has arrived" The servant stated as she opened the door revealing Grandmama walking in with gifts, we all ran and hugged her, "Why hello my dear babies, Happy Christmas i git all of this for each one of you, take a seat first" She says as she took a seat next to Mama "Happy Christmas Alix" she greets handing her a gift, we were quite shocked to see them getting along well, "T-thanks mama i appreciate it" Mama smiles as she pulled Grandmama for a hug, "Sofia why is your lose?" Grandmama asks, "Im more comfortable with it lose rather than it up" i answered, "Oh well alright then" She says, "Im getting hungry" Anastasia whispers, "But we just ate" Maria whispers back "I know but im still hungry" Anastasia chuckles.

I headed to the infirmary for surgery of a man with 2 bullets on his arms and its crying in pain "Where's the anesthesia?" The head surgeon asks, "Sister Romanova the anesthesia please" The nurse ordered, i turned and prepared the anesthesia and injected it to the patient and started operating.

Surgery has finished i washed my hands by the sink next to Olga "How did the surgery went?" Olga asks "It went pretty well, we nearly forgot the anesthesia" I laugh "Well thankfully someone remembered it" Olga chuckled, "Or else he would be screaming in pain that he would break every single glass in the room!" Tatiana laughs with us, "How's your Mitya" i smirked at Olga, "H-he's fine and please stop smirking" she states, "Thats how you looklike when you smirk at her" Tatiana chuckles, "Oh yeah!" I say, Olga rolls her eyes and seats next to Tatiana, "Im really worried where father Grigori is" Olga frowned, "He's been missing for like, two days" I say, "Without him how would Alyosha get better?" Olga says, "I hope they can find him soon" Tatiana says.

Breaktime has finished and i find Peter on a stretcher, i ran and volunteered in assisting in surgery he has bullets on his foot and thigh, "Dont forget the anesthesia" the nurse reminded, i prepared the anesthesia and injected it to the patient.

While i was washing my hands i thought about things happening in the war front, i hope its doing well and i pray that the people will be safe and may the Lord guide the soldiers and may the soldiers who have died in the war rest in eternal peace.

I went back to the common rooms of the Palace and took a little rest until Anastasia comes and sits next to me, "Hello Shvibzik" i smile at her, "Hello Sonyechka, i have a new dog! I named it Jimmy! Can he and Vicky play together?" She smiles, "Of course he can play with Vicky" i smile, "Yey thanks Sonyechka, and shouldn't you be at the infirmary?" She asks, "Yeah i'll be back there later i just need to take a rest for a while" i explained, "Okay, see you later Sonyechka!" Anastasia says as she ran outside.

"Sofia! What are you doing here?" I hear Mama shout, "Ma im just taking a rest i'll be back at the infirmary later" i say. Mama puts her hand on my forehead to see if im sick or not, "Your sister Olga is having another breakdown and has been put to bed rest, you should too" Mama states, "What i-" Mama cuts me off and says, "Do what i say Sofia, now go to your room and get some rest, i'll go get Dr. Botkin" she states, she kissed me in the forehead and went to find Dr. Botkin.

I walked in to our room and find Olga lying in bed and Anastasia playing with a set of fake teeth. I ignored them and changed to a night gown and sat in my bed and stared oit the window, "Hello? Are you okay?" Anastasia waves her hand in ffont of my eyes, "Yes uh how are you Olishka?" I ask, "Feeling sick" she answers, i nod my head and layed down and stared at the ceiling.

"Look at my teeth!" Anastasia says revealing the fake teeth, i laughed as i took a picture of it. "Where did you get that?" Olga asks, "I dont know someone gave it to me" Anastasia answers "What if thats the teeth of a old man?" I say, Anastasia scrunched her face in disgust, "Ew!" She says as me and Olga laughed.

Mama walks in with Dr. Botkin as they proceeded to check up on Olga first, "Are you sick too?" Anastasia asks as she moves over too me, "I dont know i was just put to bed rest" I answer, "For.. No reason at all?" She says, "At all!" I say.

So um yeah, they find out my anemic arse is kicking in again... hehe. I have to continue taking medications and eating fruits like berries or any kind of fruits. Anastasia is still here with us she decided to do her homework in our room while her dog Jimmy sleeps on the floor. Vicky is sleeping on the sofa nearby the window, Olga is reading a book while laying down while i has nothing to do.

"Oh there you two are i was looking everywhere for you" Tatiana says as she took a seat next to Anastasia, "Mama told me you two were sick" she says, "And what are you doing here Nastya?" Tatiana looks at Anastasia, "What i cant do my homework here?" She says, "Im not saying that im asking what are you doing here?" Tatiana asks once again, "Nothing im chilling doing my homework plus Mashka is being grumpy because she's on her period" Anastasia says, "Oh alright then" Tatiana says, "There you all are!" Maria says as she walked in and sat to in the window, "Glad she didn't hear it" Anastasia whispers to Tatiana, "Hear what?" Maria asks, "Oh Nothing" i say, "You left Alexei in the infirmary?" Olga asks, "He was looking for you three" Maria says, "Well go tell him that we are in the Big Trios room he might be lost now!" Anastasia orders, Maria walks out to find Alexei as we all chatted together.

"He's here the Tsarevich" Maria teased as she saluted Alexei as he walks in the room, "Woohoo, he has found us" Anastasia claps, "Man i looked around the infirmary, i even accidentally walked in a surgery thinking one of you was there!" Alexei says as he sat next to Maria, we all laughed together, "Well its not our fault Mashka left you there" Tatiana laughs, "Well i thought he had already found you four" Maria says, "Whatever atleast we founfpd eachother" Alexei states, "Man you should've locked the doors!" I whisper to Tatiana "I know right" Tatiana whispers back, "Hey thats rude!" Alexei says as he crossed his arms, "It would be a great silly little prank right Nastenka?" Olga looks at Anastasia, "Yes just imagine the laughs that would surround this room if we have done it!" Anastasia laughs.

"My dearest children im very sorry to ruin the mood but i have devastating news" Mama states, the room fell silent, the laughs stopped all you can hear is our heavy breathing, Mama took a deep breath and says, "Father Grigori was found dead in a river". Our eyes widened as Mama sobbs, "Everyone just calm down" Olga tries to comfort, "Father Grigori is dead! How dare they!" Tatiana says, "Its gonna be okay everyone just stay calm" Olga says, "Anyone want a fake teeth from and old man?" Anastasia jokes, "Ew no thanks" Maria sassed. We all laughed trying to calm ourselves from the news.

Wow long chapter...

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