Chapter 58

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July 1918

Mama, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia birthdays has passed and we celebrated it quietly. Wow times go by fast and i hope we get out of this rotten shell soon. Next is Alexei's birthday then me then Olga.

Every eight i climb up the tall tree and relax, i once fell asleep but luckily i didn't fall.

Even though the guards here are... Hmm how should i describe them? Annoying and disgusting and many more, Mama and Maria tries to be friendly with them, i don't even try because i'll probably just slap, scream and glare at them then i die.

Me and Anastasia teamed up on trying to make all of us laugh, especially Olga who has been really down over the past months. Her mischievous shine never dies.

I jumped down from the tree branch and went for a little walk with Papa and Olga.

"How are you?" I ask Olga.

"Im doing fine, im actually getting hungry" she chuckled.

"But we just ate!" I laughed.

"I know but it wasn't enough" she voiced in whisper.

I laughed. "Your just like Shvibzik".

Papa offered us a cigarette. We gladly accepted and lit it up with his lighter. Its so relaxing for no reason.

Me and Olga are tired from walking so we went back inside and chatted.

"Do you think mermaids are real?" She questions out of the blue.

"I dont think so" i scratched my head.

"But there has been many sightings back then!" She claps and smiled.

"I don't know we have different beliefs like you believing mermaids are real and me denying." I stated.

"You have a point" she chuckles.

She started to question me if i believe in some mythological creatures, i said yes to some like Vampire's, i mean... Nah i also dont know i just believe in it.

"And she'll suck our blood out, leaving us dead on the floor as she discard our remains and burried us in a pit and we're remained there for a 100 years!" She said.

"I- we? Us? Watch your word sometimes" i said.

"I dont know i just felt like saying it" she chuckles.

"Well take control of it, words are powerful" i said.

"Yes Mam!" She playfully says. I laughed.

I sat on bed and knitted. Gosh im so bored i wish i can escape to Crimea with my family. I remembered my plan from last year, i'll send George a letter telling him to send a ship in the Crimea then we'll escape. God why did that didn't happen, i guess its just our fate and we have no choice but to accept it.

I flinched as the needdle poked my finger. I squeezed the blood out before wiping it away, i dont know why but it s satisfying. God why am i so weird, i should act pleasant! Oh wait im no longer a Grand Duchess nah whatever Royal Blood is still flowing through my veins.

I wiped the blood away with my skirt, the blood wouldn't be obvious because the skirt was dark red. I
wrapped it in a small towel to prevent it from getting infected.

I sighed out of boredom again. I looked up the ceiling while my sister's minded their own businesses which i liked very much, i love the peace and quiet.

The peace and quiet was broken by a guard standing by our door, they do this daily. I wanted to glare and scoot him out but Olga shotted a glare at me, stopping me from being a rebel again.

I sighed as i waited impatiently for him to leave us alone, i prayed to God that he leaves us alone.

Suddenly my prayers were answered when Vasily scooted him out.

"Is everyone okay?" He questions.

"Yes we are, thanks uh-"

"Vasily Vasilyevich" he smiles at Maria.

"Vasily! Thanks Vasily again" she smiled.

I shot him a thank you smile as he dismissed himself.

"He is one of Sonyechka's friends right?" Anastasia questions.

"Yes and i think its more than friendship" Olga smirks. Here we go again.

"Now what in the world do you mean about 'more than friends'? " i crossed my arms.

"You dont think i saw you sharing a kiss with him in the laundry area right?" She smirks. My sister's gasped in shock.

How in the world... She was there.

"Well guess your not the only one Mashka" Anastasia looks at Maria.

"C'mon its obvious you like him" Olga says.

"No litterraly we are just friends" i started to deny everything.

"When you left Tobolsk he kept asking me every single day if i received a letter from you or 'how is she" Tatiana states.


I give up, why do i need to hide or deny everything when there's enough proof. "Yes i like him" i sighed.

"Knew it" Olga snapped her fingers.

"Keep it a secret to us only, we don't want to get in trouble" I stated.

"Secret is safe with us" Anastasia winked.

To make all things clear the current date for this chapter is July 3 1918

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