Chapter 12

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Photo: Romanov Imperial Children Circa 1910

We entered Papa's office and sat next to Maria. There was a paper and a pen i wonder what this is for. Mama entered the office "My daughter's sorry for bothering you on whatever your doing but i must teach you a little bit of German slang" Mama said.  She started teaching us German it was really hard than french but its beautiful and unique.

Classes with Mama finished. The whole time she was teaching i didn't understand anything i was distracted by random things around me "Who was that officer you were talking to a while ago?" Olga asked out of the blue. I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to look at her. "Hes an officer named Sergei he worked in the Standart since he was 16!" I answered Olga made that foolish face again. I rolled my eyes and walked away

Sergei was nowhere in sight i sat by myself and started to knit. "Hey Sonyechka! What are you knitting" Maria asked as she sat next to me "Malenkaya! You scared me" I exclaimed Maria chuckled. "What are you knitting?" She asked once again "Im knitting a little hat" I said focusing on knitting my hat "Can you knit me a hat?" Maria pleased. I nodded my head and grabbed my measuring tape and started measuring her head. After i measured i grabbed a new color and started knitting. She also borrowed some of my knitting tools and started to knit me a little bow.

We finished knitting and exchanged. She putted on the hat "Wow i love it! It fits perfectly! Thank you Sonyechka!" She thanked pulling me over for a hug i hugged back as well. "Your welcome Mashka thank you for this cute little bow as well i love it" I thanked her again. She smiled and walked over to Anastasia while wearing the hat i made her.

I had nothing to do more. I started to feel dizzy i had my eyes closed and my hand in my forehead. I heard Tatiana walk up to me. She sat next to me "Sofia are you okay is there something wrong?" She asked with worry in her voice "Nothing i just feel dizzy" I spoke with my eyes still closed. She pulled my hand away from my forehead and layed my down to her shoulders. She rubbed my arm trying to comfort me. I suddenly felt the need to throw up. I pulled away from Tatiana and threw up in the side. Tatiana rubbed my back as i continue to throw up

She bringed me to Mama's room.  "Girls! Knock before yo- Sofia what happened? Why is your uniform like that?" She asked as she came up to me "Mama i think she's Seasick" Tatiana spoke up for me. She took me into her arms and layed me down in her bed "Tanushka get Dr. Botkin" Mama ordered Tatiana nodded and head out to get Dr. Botkin.

Tatiana and Dr. Botkin entered the room "Apologies your majestie with my unpleasant look"  Botkin said as she came up to Mama "Its okay. Can you take a look at my daughter Sofia?" Mama said Botkin nodded his head and proceeded to check up on me "Good evening Sofia Nikolaevna how are you feeling?" He asked while taking out his Stethoscope "Dizzy" i said "Can i listen to your pulse to see if its okay?" He asked "Do you even need to ask that? Of course" I said impolitely "Sofia! Manners!" Mama scolded me. I turned to Dr. Botkin and apologized.

After Dr. Botkin checked up on me he told Mama i wasn't just Seasick i was also Anemic that i needed a blood donor. Mama was shocked and worried. She putted her hand in her chest. Tatiana tried to comfort her "Tanushka where in the world can we find a Blood donor for your sister?" Mama worried "When we arrive at Germany maybe there we could find one" Tatiana said "Tatiana Nikolaevna bring your Papa here" Mama ordered Tatiana went out to get Papa.

Mama sat in the bed next to me. She thought i was asleep. Tears started dripping from her face. She petted my hair. "My dear im really sorry you have to go through this its all because of its all my fault!" She bursted while crying. I feel bad it wasn't her fault that i was Anemic it wasn't her fault that Alexei has Hemophilia.

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