Chapter 22

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Photo: Olga Nikolaevna Romanova 1910

15 November 1910 Livadia Palace

Me and Tatiana went out to the shops to buy Olga a birthday gift,i bought her a ring while Tatiana bought her a necklace. Mama payed for it. Before we went home we went to a church service first. Mama was talking to a friend for a very long time and i have to pee so bad i told Mama i have to pee and she told me wait for a minute but its been 30 minutes. "Mom! Please lets go home i cant hold it anymore!" I exclaimed walking in a circle to hold my pee. Mama finally agreed to go home i immediately ran in the carriage and sat down in a funny way. Tatiana and Mama laughed at me i held back an eye roll. Tatiana took a photo of me and showed it to Mama. They both laughed very hard.

We finally reached the Palace i immediately ran to the closest restroom as possible. I busted in the stall and peed its was relieving. I immediately ran in our room and wrapped my gift for Olga. Sony was playing with Joy and Shvibzik, Alexei and Anastasia's dog. I am sitting in my bed with Olga's cat Vaska she keeps messing with my bedsheets but she's good cat. I realized i haven't heard of Andrei for a month now i wonder what he was doing i haven't received any letters from him im a little worried. I grabbed my pen and paper and started to write to Andrei until Olga walked in the room. I quickly hide my present for her in my drawer. "Hello Sonyechka,what are you doing" she asked sitting next to Vaska "Im fine how about you? Are you excited?" I asked still focusing on my letter "Yes im all fine as well i cant wait for later! Next year im going to have my hair up!" Olga exclaimed "I know me too like im turning 15 next year!" I smiled "Yes! I cant wait to see you have your hair up the same as mine!" Olga smiled.

I finished writing my letter i putted it in a envelope and delivered it to the Palace mailman i came across Anastasia carrying Shvibzik in her Arms, "Where's Sony?" I asked her "He's playing with Joy" she answered and walked away. I headed to Mama's room to check up on her "Hello Mama! How are you?" I asked sitting in her bed "Im fine dear, im just picking your dresses for later" she answered digging up on her closet. I waltzed all around her room it smell's like lavander i love it. I was playing with the flower on a vase until it fell and broke, "SOFIA NIKOLAEVNA! THAT WAS MY GRANDMA'S GIFT FOR ME FROM BRITAIN!" she yelled at me i started to feel a lump in my throat "Mama im sorry i- i didn't mean too! Please forgive me!" I stuttered. She letted out a heavy sigh and said, "Sofia, you've disappointed me on your Sisters birthday for that you're not going to attend your sisters ball" she stated "W-what?, Mom please!" I begged "That's your punishment and please leave i dont want to see you for now" she ordered. I ran to our room with my hands on my face and bursted in our room and cried in the corner without knowing that Tatiana and Olga are inside.

"Oh my dear sister!, what happened?" Olga asked as she came up to me and stroked my hair. "Mama said that i wont be attending your ball tonight because i broke her vase by accident!" I cried out "What!? Just because you broke her vase by accident!?" Tatiana exclaimed. I looked up to her and nodded my head. "Dont worry my sister i'll talk to Mama so she can stretch things out, dont cry now it'll be fine im here for you, we're here for you" Olga comforted. I wiped away my tears and smiled slightly at them.

Olga left the room to talk to Mama, me and Tatiana secretly followed her to Mama's room. We overheard their conversation it was shocking what we heard "Mama please you cant do this on my special day!" Olga yelled "Im sorry my daughter but she deserves it" Mama said "But mom its just a vase that she broke by accident" Olga shouted "Im your Mother young lady! You dont speak to your mother like that!" Mama scolded "Mama she shouldn't be punished like that please let her attend my ball tonight!" Olga begged "No, but i'll think about it i need to clear my head first" Mama stated. Me and Tatiana speeded to our room. We sat in our bed i grabbed book while Tatiana knitted.

Olga came in the room with a disappointed face, she sat in the chair and looked at us "Mama didn't changed her mind but she said she needed to clear her mind" Olga stated. I ducked my head and cried out. Tatiana rubbed my back in comfort. "I'll take a nap" i said laying down and facing the other side, i felt Tatiana kissed me in the forehead. I secretly smiled and closed my eyes to sleep.

I woke up due to the loud orchestra music outside. I sat up and looked out the window and saw the lights. I heard my Papa call out my sisters names. The music started. I danced around the room together with the music i closed my eyes and imagined myself dancing alone in the ballroom.

I went out to the kitchen to get some water. No one was there so i took this opportunity to make myself a sandwich. I sat by myself humming a song. I decided to sneak in the ball for a short time i headed to the ballroom entrance and opened it i saw my sisters dancing gracefully with their partners. I wish i was dancing them. Mama sat in the corner and noticed me she gave me a signal to come to her. I walked up to her and sat in her lap. She looked at me and smiled "Im sorry for the way i punished you,now you coudn't enjoy the ball with your sisters because of me" she apologized "Its okay Mama i don't like socializing with strangers anyway" i smiled. "I still remember the funny face you made earlier" Mama teased i looked at her and laughed.

The ball ended Olga was unwrapping the gifts people sended her i headed to our room and washed my face. I read the bible and writed in my diary of how my day went. I layed down and closed my eyes to sleep again.

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