Chapter 23

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Photo: Romanov Children circa 1910

10 December 1910 Alexander Palace

I woke up earlier than usual i fixed my hair and headed to the dining room. I sat in the middle of Olga and Tatiana, "Im excited for Christmas day!" Anastasia exclaimed "Yes! Christmas is two weeks away!" Maria exclaimed as she took a sip of her tea "Its almost 1911 already? Time fly's fast!" Tatiana smiled "Yes, and you three are turning into young ladies!" Mama stated "Yes, im 16 next year i will have my debut ball!" Olga exclaimed. "You'll also be a honorary colonel in chief" Papa stated "Thats the thing im not ready for" I chuckled "Dont worry i'll prepare you for that time" Papa smiled

I headed to our room and decided to paint a castle based on my imagination. "A letter for Grand Duchess Sofia Romanova" Charlotte stated. I went to her and grabbed my letter, its from Andrei i sat and opened the letter.

" Greeting's Your Highness! This is Andrei's Mother thanks for your concern about my son. Unfortunately he passed away on December 7 because of a brain tumor the tumor was impossible to remove but he say's that He Loved you very much. Thank you so much for sending my son back here im glad he spended the last moments of his life with us. I would like you to come in our house we will be having a funeral its okay if you dont come but his soul will be happy to see you there. -Andrei's Mother, Veronica" .

I held the letter to my chest, my friend has passed away he was such a wholesome man he's so young he's like 16! Im sure he's happy in heaven. "Are you okay Sofia? What's wrong?" Olga asked me simphatheticaly "Yes im fine but my friend Andrei passed away! His mother is inviting me to their house for his funeral" i said wiping my tears away. "Its okay Sonyechka im sure he's happy in God's kingdom" she rubbed my back in comfort "Im going to ask Papa if i can visit their house" i smiled "But you cant go alone! I'll come with you" Olga smiled back "Thanks" i pulled her in for a hug.

We went to Papa's office i sat in one of his chairs and showed him the letter. "Okay, we'll visit them in Yekaterinburg in honor of his death" Papa stated "Thank you so much Papa!" I hugged him "Can i come too please?" Olga pleased. Papa nodded his head and smiled.

We changed into our winter clothes we told Mama and she agreed. We promised Anastasia to buy her something when we get home. We rode the imperial train to Yekaterinburg. We waved to some people out the window. Some smiled and waved back my heart melted its so sweet. The people call me the most stylish out of all my sisters some say the prettiest. I agree i am the most stylish but prettiest no my sisters are all pretty and charming not just me or Tatiana.

We came across Nikolai Ipatiev's house it was creepy because it has tall borders. I suddenly had a bad feeling about this house i shivered at the bad feeling "Are you okay Sofia?" Olga asked "Yeah i shivered because of the cold temperature" i answered  "I have an extra jacket with me here" She stated as she handed me the jacket. I smiled and putted on the jacket. Yeah maybe i shivered because of the temperature and not the bad feeling.

We arrived in the village were Andrei lives there was a poster about his funeral innthe gates. We got out of the car and Papa got out first then Olga and Me. The guards saluted him while they bowed and kissed our hands. Papa talked to the guards for a while me and Olga stood there waiting for him impatiently. We realized we haven't bought flowers. "Papa can we buy flowers near the shops?" I asked him "Yes but make it quick Sofia Tyutcheva will chaperon you, how much is the flowers?" He stated "About 10 rubles" i answered. Papa handed us 20 rubles ten for me and ten for Olga. We kissed Papa and ran to the flower shops with Sofia Tyutcheva following us and a few other guards as well.

We entered the flower shops the owner recognized us and bowed as a sign of respect. We picked the cheapest flowers as possible it was 6 rubbles. We payed for it and went to the candy shops to buy some candy with the money left "Olga and Sofia Nikolaevna your father said just to buy flowers its better to keep the money for yourselves" Sofia Tyutcheva stated. We turned around and headed back to the village until we came across a homeless man "Poor Man he's cold he needs a jacket!" I said looking at Olga. We went up to the man he was freezing i gave him my jacket and the money left. "Thank you miss May God bless your beautiful souls!" The man exclaimed "We're glad to help God bless you sir" I smiled and headed back to the village.

We ran up to Papa showing him the flowers we bought "Sofia? Where is your jacket?" Papa asked "I gave it to a homeless Man he was freezing!" I answered "Im proud of you" he smiled. We finally entered inside the village and saw Andrei's casket. Everyone bowed to us, some where shocked because they weren't expecting us. Andrei's Mom came up to me "Hello Tsarevna Sofia and Olga nice to see you here come sit with us" She smiled. We followed her to Andrei's casket i muttered a little prayer for him. I sat down next to Olga, Papa was busy again talking to strangers. Andrei's Mom handed us a juice we gracefully accepted it. "I wasn't really expecting you to come here but i appreciate it. Im Veronika Mikhailovna Feodorova" she stated stickimg her hand out for a handshake "Does Andrei have siblings?" Olga asked "Yes he has a little brother Dmitri he works in the Imperial Yacht you might've met him" She answered "Oh Dmitri Feodorov! I met him once! He's a nice guy!" Olga exclaimed  "When's the burial?" I asked taking a sip of my juice "Later at 10 am" Veronika answered.

Veronika's husband came out and sat next to Veronika "Hello Your highnesses nice to see you here" He greeted "Nice to meet you too sir" I greeted back. "Im Ivan Petrovich nice to meet you two" he said sticking his hand our for a handshake, we shaked it and smiled. "Where's your father? I want to meet him" he asked "Oh he's over there talking to someone" Olga answered. He smiled and left. Me and Olga sat there awkwardly, i was freezing cold because i dont have a jacket on. Olga putted her hand in mine and removed it very quickly. "Sonyechka! You are freezing thats not good. Lets go ask Papa to buy you a new jacket" she stated, i smiled and headed over to Papa. "Papa can we buy a jacket? Im freezing" i asked. Papa excused himself to Ivan and looked at me "Okay lets go" he said. We smiled and followed Papa out to the shops.

We arrived at the shops Papa letted me pick out a jacket and Olga was helping me. The shop owner bowed at us. I picked a simple purple jacket matching with my winter hat and shoes. Papa payed for the jacket and we left and headed back to the village. To prepare for the burial service.

We took the car to the Church. We arrived and greeted the priest and sat at the front row. The priest did a lecture and prayers. I yawned because i woke up pretty early. Papa shouldered me. Once the service ended we went out for the real burial service. I said my last goodbyes and throwed my flowers to the casket before it was covered in dirt.

The service ended i bought Anastasia a pair of shoes. And headed in the Imperial train i entered and took a little nap.

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