Chapter 39

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Photo: Olga, Tatiana and Anastasia with Tsar Nicholas 1914

October 1914

I sit beside a patients bed and feeded him since he's paralized from all the bullets that shot him everywhere, his name is Mikhail and he's 26 years old, quite young. Me and my sisters Olga and Tatiana were trained as nurses to help with the war efforts, Maria and Anastasia helps in the hospital as well since they are too young to be trained as nurses. Papa has gone off to the front with Alexei while George went back to England for a urgent reason.

We also had some formal photoshoots last month for a charity event. My hair has grown a little longer, not happy about it because it means i have to style it every single day which i hated much.

"Sofia, will you come and walk with me?" Olga begged "But im busy" i say "Its breaktime" she says "Oh i didnt realized that, okay sure lets go" i say as i stood up and followed Olga to the gardens.

"How is Mr. Novikov?" Olga asks "There are many Novikovs in the hospital which one are you talking about?" I say "Mikhail Novikov the one you always feed" She says "Oh yes he is getting a little better, he still cant move that much and has a hard time swallowing" i stated "Why dont you put a feeding tube on him?" She suggests "A feeding tube? Whats that?" I asked, Olga stopped and looks at me with a disappointed face, "Seriously? You dont know what a feeding tube is? Its a tube to provide nutrition for those who cant swallow properly" Olga explains "Oh okay, i'll learn how to do that and if its safe for him" i stated as we continued to walk. "Tatiana is doing so well so at nursing" Olga says "And so are you" I say, silence fell between us all you can hear is the officers chatting with the wounded.

I went back inside the hospital and sat in the nurses breakout room, i washed my hands and made myself a sandwich, "Oh Sofia there you are i was looking everywhere for you" Tatiana exclaimed as she sat in front of me and started writing, "Who are you writing to?" I ask as i took a bite of my sandwich "Im replying back to Dmitri, have you received any letters from anyone?" She says "Sadly, no" i say "How about you write to Aunty Olga, she told me she has been long wanting to receive a letter from you" Tatiana stated, i putted down my sandwich and grabbed a paper and a pen and started writing to Aunty Olga and to Alexei as well.

After i finished writing i was called out to assist in surgery, he has a very bad wound in his chest and arm, the head surgeon started to take the bullets out luckily he is under anesthesia. After he took the bullets out i was tasked to stitch the wound with the doctors help.

After surgery i washed my hands and changed to a new nursing dress since the last one was all dirty. This time it was white and the Red Cross logo is in the side rather than the front. I combed my hair first before putting on my head cover. I grabbed my old nursing attire and letted it sit in water all day so i can wash it easily tommorow.

I headed back to the wounded soldiers and entertained them by playing chess and reading stories to them. "Sofia Nikolaevna how old are you?" The wounded man asked "I turned 18 last sunday" I answered "Last October 24?" The man says, i nodded my head and continued to play chess with the wounded man next to him "You and your sisters are born one year apart right?" The man asked again "Olga is born in 1895 i was born in 1896 and Tatiana was born in 1897" I stated,the man nodded his head.

A lot of wounded here are from Yekaterinburg and Moscow and i hear that they dont like the Czarist Rule and want it over, how dare they my father is just trying his best to make the best decision, why dont they Rule Russia and see how hard it is for them to Rule an entire Empire that covers half of the world!? I internally yelled, "Its your turn your highness" The man says, i snapped out of my thoughts and moved a chess piece. "Sir, do you like how my father rules the Russian Empire?" I asked "No, but i know he's trying his best, i do not hate him nor his family i just dont like how he rules" he stated, i sighed in relief and smiled at him, finally i found a good man who hates in the most respectful way. "Whats your name?" I asked "Vasily Alexandrovich Zaitsev" he answers, i smiled and offered him a handshake, no need to introduce myself he know's who i am.

Its lunch break, i changed to a casual outfit and headed outside and rode the carriage back to the palace. I will probably be back at 4 pm, but for now its 12 am. I arrived at the palace and went inside and sat in the commons room and just procrastinated. "Hello, Sonyechka what are you doing here all alone?" Maria says as she sat beside me "Im just so tired" i said "Oh okay, why dont you take a nap?" Maria suggests "Good idea, please give this to Olga once she gets home" i say handing her a letter from Igor and standing up and heading to our room.

I collapsed in my bed and hugged my pillow, It has been a very busy day see you tomorrow fella.

"Yekaterinburg is where you meet your terrifying last days!" The black man yelled, darkness surrounded me and i can feel all the negative energy attacking me. I screamed in pain as i covered my ears as the black man surrounded me and weakening me. I fainted and all i can see is all white and saw Andrei as i as expected. "Dont ignore the simple things around you Sofia Romanova, they can be a sign for something happening very soon" he stated as he disappeared.

I opened my eyes and processed my dream. Yekaterinburg? Last days? Of who or what? I thought. I closed my eyes and slept trying to clear all the negative energy and filling it with positive energy.

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