Chapter 53

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March 1918

Summer is coming up here in Tobolsk and to be honest im very excited to see and feel the sunlight i hate the cold i hate winter i always get ill.

Me and Olga chopped some woods, Anastasia and Alexei are playing in the swing while Tatiana and Maria planted some vegetables.

"Break?" Olga spoke.

"Break? What- oh." The realization hit me. "Sure".

We sat under a tree and munched on caviar sandwiches and hot mint tea as we talked about memories back in Russia when we were still the Grand Duchesses of Russia. I miss having that title on me even though i felt embarrassed when someone adresses me as 'your imperial highness' or 'grand duchess' in public. I remember Tatiana glaring at a court official when she adressed her as 'your imperial highness' it was funny for me yet embarrassing.

We sat in silence as we lighted a cigarette and began to smoke. I closed my eyes to relax and feel the wind blowing on my face.

"Olenka, Sonyechka! Lets go back inside!" We heard Tatiana shout. We sat up and threw the cigarette on the floor and stepped on it to avoid fire and ran back inside.

We 5 sat together at our room minding our own businesses. Tatiana is fixing my hair for me, she's a good hairstylist. "Do you want it braided up?" She asks. I nodded my head yes.

"Have you written a letter to anyone?" Tatiana questions.


"Over this past months? You haven't written to anyone?" Her voice Louden's in shock.

"Yes, i have received letters from family's and friends but never responded to any of them" I stated.

"Are you insane? They might be worried of what happened to you! Aunty Olga written to me this morning. She asked what happened to you. Whats wrong?" She bursted out.

"Im just scared to write letters back to them." I said.

"What because they read and check to see if there's any invisible ink? If thats the reason then just be careful with the things you write" She advises.

"Okay okay fine I'll respond to the letters!" I said.

"Very well"

She finishes doing my hair and cleans up her surroundings. I hopped out of the window sill and sat in my bed and started to re-read my diary. I started from my 1910 diary.

"October 1910,

Me and Olga went out for a swim in the seas of the Crimea it was refreshing and the water is cold but despite the cold wind we still had a lot of fun, luckily we didn't get ill but we had a runny nose after. Mama scolded us but me and Olga didn't care and played chess after. Aunt Olga visited us in the afternoon and had tea with us. She also brought some sweets but Mama didn't allow me and Olga to have some but we understand why. Anastasia ate a whole chocolate bar and got a sore throat. Tatiana scolded Nastya and Nastya begged for her to not tell Mama but she got busted when Mama heard.

I smiled and shedded a tear from the happy fun memories in Livadia.

The waters.

The wind.

The flowers.


I smiled as i gazed out of the window as my sister's minded their business.

"She's daydreaming again!" Anastasia laughs.

I knew she's talking about me.

"So what?" I shot her a glare.

"Nothing" she chuckles.

"Let me guess your mind is traveling to the past?" Maria says.


"Well cant blame you, we had great memories" Tatiana said.

"Yes! Especially in our name day and birthdays!" Anastasia added.

"I know! We get 2 pearls in a year!" Olga says.

"I brought some of them here" Tatiana utters as she shows her jewelry box full of pearls.

"I didn't brought any of them here" I said.

"Yes but the one George and Sergei gave you, you brought them here. Actually your wearing them now!" Olga said gesturing at my jewelry box.

"Yes they're precious and valuable to me" I said.

"But the ones Mama gives aren't?"

"No no I didn't mean or say that." I lowered my head.

"Then why didn't you bring them here? I thought everything that people give you are valuable" Tatiana said.

"Okay you two are about to cause some massive chaos. Calm down! Can you two just chat normally without any arguments!" Olga shouts. Silence fell the room.

"They said just bring whats important to you, she did, plus we cant take all of the pearls Mama gives us on our whole existence. Those are a lot of pearls to bring" Olga stated.

"From a normal conversation to a chaos" Anastasia mutters under her breath.



"Now can you two make it up to each other?" Olga says. We didn't moved instead we gave each other a glare.

"You two look so intimating" Maria says. I rolled my eyes.

"Come on please?" Olga says.

Olga then stood up aggressively and pulls my arm to Tatiana forcing us to shake hands in 'peace'.

"Yey" Maria claps her hand.

"Oh come on! Can you two just make up Goddamn it!" Olga curses for the first time.

I pulled Tatiana in for a hug before things could get worse. It took her a few seconds to process and she eventually hugged back.

"Finally" Olga sighed.

"Sorry" Tatiana whispers to my ear.

"Its okay"

I sat beside Tatiana and began re-reading our diaries together.

"Sad we dont have our camera" Maria said.

Alyosha walks in the room and sat to the floor next to Anastasia with his toys.

"Hello Alyosha" Maria greets.

"Im bored" he frowns.

"So are we" I chuckled.

"Where's Kolya?" Olga asks.

"Oh he's taking a rest now im bored so i decided to spend time with my beloved sister's" he smiles.

"Aww we love you Alyosha" Anastasia pulls him in for a hug.

We all chatted together and as always we talked about past memories.

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