Chapter 29

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Photo: Olga Nikolaevna Romanova at her 16th birthday at Livadia Place

15 November 1911

Me and my sisters went out to the shoe store with Mama. I picked a white normal doll shoes,Tatiana chose the leathered boots,Maria bought a pink T-strap shoes and Anastasia chose a red satin shoe. Mama looked at the shoes as well, she grabbed 3 pairs and showed it to us "This shoes are perfect for all of you" she said. We payed for the stuff and this time we aren't going for a church service. Mama stated that we wear the shoes for Olga's debut ball. I have the white T-strap shoes with a ribbon,Tatiana had the same but with a flower instead, Maria had a green doll shoes with flowers the same as Anastasia.

We arrived at the palace and saw Olga chatting with her Love interest Pavel Voronov. I ran to our room and Wrapped my gift for Olga "You were right Sonyechka gifting shoes is much better than gifting jewelleries" Tatiana said "I know our shoes are all tight" i smiled. "Yeah we have enough jewelleries as well" Tatiana said "And clothing" i chuckled. Olga walked in the room with her hair up "Hello my dear sisters how are you doing?" She smiled "We're fine, i love your hair it suits you well" i smiled "Why thank you Sofia" she smiled back. "Why dont you two change the celebration is starting soon" Olga stated. Mama left our white dresses in our bed, she also said that our Lady in waiting's will help us fix our hair. I stood up and putted the dress on as well as the shoes.

I came out and sat in the bed fixing my shoes "Wow my sister's you look stunning!" She complimented "Thank you" Tatiana smiled. Maria came in the room with a saddened dace "My shoes cant fit and Nastya said im too fat!" Maria cried out while Anastasia stood in the doors. I shot a glare at her and walked up to her.

I closed the doors and looked at her "Anastasia! Its not nice to call people fat or such! You can hurt they're feelings!" I scolded her "But it was just a joke" she looked down "Well its not a nice joke, once we get in this room you must apologize to Maria and promise to never call her fat or any okay?" I stated petting her hair, she looked up to me and nodded her head.

We entered the room and saw Maria sobbing hard at Olga's arms. Anastasia walked up to her and hugged her "Im sorry for calling you fat i promise to not calm you that again" she apologized. Maria turned around and hugged her. I smiled at the scene im glad they're okay now and i hope they will never fight again.

Our Lady in waitings came in and started doing our hair. My bangs have grown much longer than before and Mama said to not cut it anymore. Mama came in the room and observed us "Braid the little one's hair and have some of the hair up while some of it are down for the Big ones" Mama ordered.

We headed out to the ballroom and partnered up with our partners i surprisingly partnered with Sergei "You look beautiful today Sofia" Sergei smiled "Thank you, you look fine today" i smiled back "Today only?" Sergei laughed "No you look handsome everyday" I laughed. I can hear Tatiana's chuckle behind me, i stomped her foot to make her stop because im turning to a tomato again.

When Papa finally announced our names after forever we went in the almost middle of the dancefloor and started dancing "I dont like dancing" I said "Me too my feet hurts already" Sergei laughed "But we just started!" I laughed as i twirled, Sergei smiled as we continued dancing.

Dancing finished we leted Olga dance with her partner Gracefully. I sat in the corner as a stranger handed me a water, its a bit blurry. I was about to drink it until Sergei snatched it and throwed the water near the trash "Why did you that!?" I glared at him "That water is contaminated thats why its blurry. Dont accept offerings from stranger" Sergei explained "Someone tried to poison me?" I said "Obviously" Sergei rolled his eyes "Stay here i'll get you a safe and clean water" Sergei said as he stood up to get some water.

I sat waiting for Sergei to come back. I saw someone staring at me from across the room, he looks familiar he has a short hair and long beard. He stared at me dead hard. I was starting to get uncomfortable so i death stared at him back making him look away instantly. Sergei came back and handed me water, i drank it fast. "There was this man staring at me a while ago it was weird" I said "Be careful Ms. Sofia that man might be planning something horrible" Sergei advised. I looked at him and nodded my head.

Olga sat next to me and chugged a glass of water "Tired from dancing?" I said "Yes my feet is aching" she said trying to catch her breath "Who are you?" She said looking at Sergei "Im Sergei Petrovich Viliogranov" Sergei bowed "When did you and Sofia met?" She asked "I met her on the dining table at the Standart in 1910" Sergei replied "Strange that our dear Sofia didn't introduce you to us" she smirked. Me and Sergei laughed awkwardly "Well take care of my sister when she's by your side" Olga advised as she stood up and danced once more. "I forgot to greet her Happy birthday" Sergei scratched his head. I laughed as i realized I haven't gave her my gift yet.

The ball ended me and Sergei have agreed to exchange letters. I sat in our room and cleaned myself. Olga came in and stretched her foot. I stood up and gave her my gift. "Wow this is beautiful thank you Sonyechka" she smiled hugging me. I layed down in my bed and closed my eyes to sleep.

"You will die!" I kept hearing a voice say as this caused me to have a massive headaches. I opened my eyes and saw everything black and saw the man from earlier "Y-you! Your the guy from earlier!" I yelled as he keeps getting closer. Every time he gets closer and closer my head hurts "Yes its me my attempt to kill you failed but i will never give up!! See you in 7 years as you meet you fate. He said as he suddenly disappeared.

I sat up screaming as this caused to wake Olga and Tatiana up "What happened?" Tatiana said rubbing my back. Tears dropped down from my face "Nothing just a horrible dream that seems so realistic" i answered wiping my tears away "Its okay its just a dream" Olga comforted. My sister's went back to sleep. I layed down and prayed for no horrible dreams again.

Two Missing DaughtersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon