Chapter 19

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Photo: Maria and Anastasia Nikolaevna Germany 1910

We entered Papa's office i sat down and stared at his table with Papers stacked to one another. Papa entered and sat infront of us and fixed his table a bit. "Sofia my dear i would like to know what happened to your brother?" He looked at me i lowered my head a little and looked at my hands not saying anything. I looked up at him. He raised his eyebrows waiting for me to speak. I looked at Olga she had the face of worry. I looked down and stared in my hands again.

"Well...we were playing with a dog an officer gave me we were chasing him until he tripped on a rock. Im sorry" I stated ducking my head. "No need to apologize my dear thank you for telling the truth i have to tell your mother this or does she know already?" He smiled "She knows" I smiled "We will be staying in Germany until your mother gets better. Then we will head to Crimea for Olga's birthday" He stated. Olga smiled.

We left the office Papa also told us that dinner will be served soon. Me and Olga headed to the gardens to pick some flowers. I love flowers i have a photo album full of flowers mostly daisies and roses. I looked around for Sergei but he was nowhere in sight. I was taking a picture of a flower until Anastasia jumped over my camera "Nastenka! You ruined my photo!" I yelled "Im sorry just wanted to be funny" she laughed "Actually can i borrow your Camera for a while? I'll return it to you after dinner" she pleaded "Sure but make sure you'll return it on time" i stated. She smiled and ran away to somewhere. I continued to pick some flowers until my basket is full.

Once my basket is full i ran inside and realized i dont have a vase to put my flowers on. How do i get a vase for my flowers? Papa wouldn't allow me to buy a vase in the store outside. I was waltzing around the room wondering what to do with the flowers i picked until Tatiana came in with her flowers "Sonyechka! What are you doing waltzing around the room?" She asked while she putted down the flowers on the table "I picked a lot of flowers earlier until i realized i dont have a vase to put the flowers on! What can i do? Do you have an idea Tanushka?" I asked as i stop roaming around the room "Well you can use a newspaper and a glass cup with water to keep them alive and healthy" She smiled. My eyes widened "Great idea! I'll go find some newspapers! Can you keep an eye on my flowers for a bit? I'll be back in a while" i exclaimed shutting the door behind me.

I bursted inside the library in hopes of finding a newspaper. I think i just need 3 but i'll get 6 just in case. I roamed around but there's nothing. I suddenly thought to go to Papa's office he has a lot of newspaper maybe i can get some from him. I shutted the door behind me and ran to Papa's office. I stood in front of the door and knocked. A man with long hair and beard opened the door for me it was Rasputin. How did he get here? I thought "Hello my child nice to see you again take a seat" He putted his hand on my back and leaded me to the chair. "Papa what is Father Grigori doing here?" I whispered in a impolite tone "Sofi dont be rude! He's here to cure your brother he wont be staying here long" he stated "Okay...Papa do you have newspapers that you dont use anymore? Maybe i can have some at least 6?" I stated. Rasputin stared at me which made me very uncomfortable. "I have some" he said grabbing some newspapers and handing if over to me. I thanked him and smiled. I walked out of the room and ran to my room.

I realized i forgot a glass of water i ran to the kitchen and saw our lady in waitings preparing our dinners. I immediately grabbed a glass and poured water. I carefully walked to our room so the water wont spill. I screamed Tatiana's name in hopes of her opening the door because my hand was full. Tatiana opened the door i immediately ran to my flower basket and putted the glass of water in the table. "Rasputin is here did you know?" I looked over at Tatiana "Really what is he doing here? This is supposed to be just our private family Vacation!" She exclaimed "Papa  said he's here to cure Alexei's hemophilia" I rolled my eyes "Fool!" Tatiana shouted i looked at her "What do you mean?" I asked putting down the newspaper's "He can't cure Alexei's hemophilia! He only took of the aspirin which is making it worse!" She shouted "Why dont you go tell Mama?" I said "Mama wont believe us she is attached to Rasputin like a dog!" She exclaimed "Dont speak about Mama like that!" I scolded "What? Its the truth!" She shouted "Still its bad Mama knows what's best for her children" I glanced at her "No more words" i said. I started to fix the flowers together i putted them in the glass of water. I putted them by the window so they can get some sunlight.

"Why do you act like your the boss of everything?" Tatiana spoke I looked at her "What?" I said in a crooked voice "Nothing" she looked down and continued knitting. "Tatya,Sofia! I hear your voices all the way to the library! What's going on?" Olga crossed her arms looking like a Governess "Rasputin is here while we are on a family vacation" Tatiana answered in a impolite tone "What is he doing here?" Olga asked "He's here to cure Alyosha" I answered "Okay? What's the problem?" She tilted her head "Tatiana said he's a fool because he cant cure Alexei's Hemophilia and he only took of the Aspirin which is making it worse!" I exclaimed "She also said that Mama's attached to Rasputin like a puppy" I looked at Sony who was sleeping in my bed "Tatiana is this true?" Olga asked. Tatiana nodded her head slightly. "Why would you say such a thing about our mother like that!?" Olga scolded "Im sorry but its the truth!" Tatiana stood up and crossed her arms as well "Be thankful Mama isn't here or else she you would be sleeping on the floor" I stated. She turned at me and death stared at me "Dont you dare look at me like that young lady!" I scolded. She rolled her eyes and walked out of the room. "What has gotten in to her?" Olga sat down. I raised my shoulder and sat down in my bed. Charlotte has finally informed us that dinner is ready. I sat up and headed in the dining room with Olga.

Just watched Romanovs: A Crowned Family. For me its the most historically accurate movie about the Romanovs totally recommend it.

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