Chapter 59

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July 15 1918

Papa begged Commander Yurovsky to let us see a priest and have a prayer service and thankfully he agreed. It has been a year since we went on a prayer service and thankfully God blessed us today.

We wore a veil and prepared for the prayer service, at the same time we had just eaten lunch.

We all went together to the room where the prayer service will be held and stood waiting for the priest to finish his altar. I fiddled with my hands, i was anxious for no reason, maybe because I haven't done this in a while?

The priest finished and started with a prayer first.

The sung liturgy started but we didn't participate. His beacon started to recite a prayer in which we all silently fallen to our knees.

Tears were running down our faces as we kissed the cross, "Thank you so much" i muttered and smiled.

Prayer service has finished, Father Storozhev talked with the Commandant. We dissmissed ourselves and went back to our rooms.

Tatiana quietly shuted the doors as we started to change and fix ourselves.

My hair is very long now. I grabbed a scissor and placed it to my hair strand  but Olga stopped me.

"What are you doing?"

"Cant you see im cutting my hair?" I sassed.

"Oh i thought you were gonna do something else" she blew a sigh of relief.

I began to cut my hair as Olga guided me. I decided to cut it only below my chest area.

I finished cutting my hair. I looked at myself at the mirror, im satisfied with the result. I cleaned up my hair on the floor and dumped it in the trash bin. I putted a headband to match it. I looked so good that I started to have an obsession on myself.

I slipped on my creamed- colored dress and did some final touches and i was done, and so is my sister's.

I opened the door. I collapsed on my bed and sighed. I began to think about the past days, it has been weird and just bad for me, and more weird dreams.

I slammed my pillow on my face and screamed, i felt fresh after it, i felt all the negative energy inside me disappear. I putted my pillow away but was jump scared by Anastasia with a scary mask.


She laughed and took off the scary mask, "I got you good!" She laughed.

"You should have seen your face!" She couldn't stop laughing. I rolled my eyes and pushed her away.

I rolled off the other side and hugged my pillow with Anastasia panting behind.

"Are you done laughing?" I say to her. She stopped as she tried to catch her breath. "Yes yes" she sighed. She stood up and chugged a glass of water and sat in her bed. "Thank you" i smiled.

I sat up and wrote some things in my journal, like the crazy things i've been feeling over these past days. Anastasia snatched my notebook and read it out loud.


"And i suddenly felt-" i tried to snatch it away from her. She stuck her tongue out to me. I slapped her head and while she was in pain i took the chance of grabbing my notebook back. "Sorry, but please dont ever do it again" i said as i pulled her in for a hug.

I sat back down and continued to write jn my journal while Maria and Anastasia laughs behind.

Olga and Tatiana walks in and sat on my bed. "They took down your favorite area" Olga mutters.

"W-what do you mean?" I ask in disbelief.

"The tree" Tatiana answers.

"Wha- why?" I slammed my notebook in thr table. It was the only place where i felt comfort.

"They said its too tall and disturbing" Olga answers. I sobbed as i putted my hand on my face. Olga rubbs my back to comfort me. "Its gonna be okay" Tatiana strokes my hair.

I wiped my tears and felt a sting on my finger, a papercut... How did that happen. How did i get a papercut........

"Whats wrong?"

"I got a paper cut from nowhere"

"Ouch" Olga scrunches her face.

"Im fine now" i assured.

I hate papercuts.

I doodled in my notebook since... You guessed it, im bored. When they took down the tree its like everything in me disappeared, i want to come up to them and demand why did they take the tree away, they're also killing mother nature! I just want to have some comfort.

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