chapter 42: Baby Troubles, Love Squabbles and Other Problems

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Ch. 42: Baby Troubles, Love Squabbles and Other Problems

*Vie's POV*

*Three DAYS later*

"So how you been feeling honey?" I asked Bella. I had managed to get out of the house while Jacob was on patrol. Sam had them running more patrols again since someone was attacked, that only sent my vampire family into over protective mode as well. When Jacob gets home and sees that I'm not there he'd certainly be mad.

"I'm ok right now. Just really hungry." She said rubbing her now swollen belly. She had gotten huge in just three days' time....she looked like she was already nearing her third trimester. I was scared for her. I felt thoughts push at the barrier I put around my mind.

'What is it?' I asked my brother.

'I want to speak with you, please.' I heard the desperation in my elder brother's voice and decided to go up and follow him.

"What is it?" I asked him once I was outside.

"You saw.... she's getting sicker...please talk to her, she'll listen to you if you explain your situation and the, could be, situation of that child." He spoke somewhat harshly.

"Last time I check that child is both your creation, aside from that I will do no such thing, she is already so far'd be murder in any case Edward." He glared ahead of him.

"Edward!" We both turned to the voice that belonged to Alice and saw as she quickly ran to us. "Violette, change back." I looked at her funny and she bopped me over the head. "Now!" she pointed to her eyes and I understood. I felt the cold rush through my body go dormant and the heating rush of the blood in my system begin to circulate again.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, confused and slightly scared.

"I can't see anything...our futures in the next..... ten minutes goes blank." I looked at her, still not understanding.

"It means Jacob or one of the wolves are on their way. We need to hide Bella." My eyes widened at that and I grew scared. If they saw Bella like this... I ran to her side, and went to her, trying to get her to stand.

"It's too late, they got a hold of our scent. They know you're here too, Violette." I paled. I was in for it now.

*Jacob's POV*

I started running towards the Cullen's house. If she wasn't there, I'd tell Sam and we'd send a search party. We had managed to get the damn bloodsucker that had been attacking the passing hikers lately. He had only managed to kill one, one too many if you ask me. I had been nearly driven mad with worry when I didn't find Violet at the house. My dad had been at Sue's so I went to check over there after, but no luck. Following that I went to Emily's and all the other girls were there, all except her! I had to find her, what if another vampire was roaming around? That leech we killed could have had a mate, and we didn't need a repeat of Bella with now the attention resting solely on my mate.

I was nearing the Cullens' home and let out a large sigh of relief when I inhaled the growing scent of my imprint. The closer I got to the house, the stronger her scent got. Yes, she was definitely here. My eyes crinkled in confusion and I nearly stopped when two familiar scents hit me. Had Bella and Edward just gotten back? I stopped though.... Bella's scent was.... sweeter. It wasn't an appealing sweet either, it was almost like she had just finished mopping the floor with bleach or something. It was beginning to irritate my nose. I stopped only to sneeze before picking up speed; I was there in a matter of minutes. I changed behind a tree and ran up to the front door. Before I could even knock, the door opened and a small familiar warm hand was pushing against my chest and back into the line of the trees.

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