Chapter 54 - The Ivory Keys.

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Chapter 54 - The Ivory Keys

We wasted no time in getting back to my family, scaring them to death by the somber mood we all brought with us. Edward had been the first to spot his family, having most likely heard mine or Jacob's thoughts. Carlisle and Esme had been next, having thought something had happened to me, given that Bella had arrived with me in her arms. Edward quickly told them the reason for our disgruntled arrival. Poor Nessie had been so disturbed by the ordeal; she'd wasted no time before she latched onto her father. Having then sensed how perturbed we had been with the situation; Carlisle wasted no time in phoning our family from Alaska.

To my dismay, Jacob had insisted that I stay with my family while he called the others from his pack to give the lands a quick onceover, not even slightly calmed by the fact that Irina was like family to us. Edward relayed that he did not like the way she had stared at him and wanted to make sure. I sat waiting with my family while Carlisle spoke on the phone, rubbing at my belly as my babies continued to use me for kickboxing. I tried to keep my visible discomfort to a minimum, but they had become more and more restless as of late. I was sure my worry over Jacob and the others and any possible confrontation between the wolves and Irina didn't convey too well to my little ones.

"Tanya convinced Irina to come reconcile with us." Carlisle spoke as he hung up on the phone.

"Well, it looks like she changed her mind," my brother deadpanned. I know they thought me and Bella might be overreacting, but I had a nagging sense of foreboding just nipping at the back of my neck. Judging by Bella's unease, I suspected she felt the same.

"Seeing Jacob must have been too much for her, I'm sure that's all it was, Violette." Esme tried to reason with me. I simply did my best to give her a smile, my hands never stopping their soothing over my stomach.

"I wish I could have just spoken to her," insisted my sister-in-law.

"She's family, she'll come around." Carlisle spoke as he smiled at Esme before he gave me a smile as well. In that moment I felt a stronger kick and couldn't help the slight hiss that passed my lips. I simply closed my eyes and leaned my head back, wishing Jacob was here to soothe the spot. The kids seemed to react best to the warmth of his palm. "You on the other hand, need to be more mindful, young lady." I frowned at the ill-timed reprimand I was getting.

"Daddy, maybe my cousins like music, like me." I heard my niece quip from her place by her parents, who sat near the piano.

"That's a good idea, why don't we show your Aunty how good you've gotten at the piano?" I could hear the pride in my brother's voice and the eagerness in my niece before I began to hear a lovely melody fill the room. They say music doth tame the beast. It certainly always did bring me and my family comfort, and it looked like my children were no different. Soon, I began to feel their little kicks lesson, before they calmed down inside my belly. I let out a content sigh as they finally settled and slowly opened my eyes to stare at my brother's beautiful family, watching father and daughter play beautifully together.

"You see, if the mother is calm, so too will the children be." smiled Esme at me. I smiled, but my eyes never left the happy duo playing away at the ivory keys.

The next day had not started out too great for me. Jacob had to take off on an early morning run to survey the lands with Sam. He hadn't been long, maybe four hours at best on his turn before one of the boys relieved him of his duties and he returned to me. But sadly, I had been left unable to sleep from the moment he got up to leave. I'd tossed and turned and eventually, ventured out of the room for a walk to try to soothe my children. They weren't kicking as hard today, but were definitely moving around my stomach. Were these two doing somersaults in there?

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