Chapter 63 - Shocking

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Chapter 63 – Shocking

*Violet's POV*

"When Aro wants someone from a coven, it's never long before evidence turns up proving that coven committed some crime." We all knew that Eleazar spoke the truth. Our kind were always aware of the fact, but there wasn't much that could be done against the Volturi regarding it. It was why I had to guard my secret and worked hard to negate Aro's ability at precisely the right times when he was reading any of my family members. Finding out the Alice and Edward had been alone without my being there had unnerved me to no end! When Rosalie had told me, I nearly lost it. Thankfully, at the time, Aro and Edward had more pressing concerns; their thoughts had been focused solely on Bella.

"So, he's done this before?" Bella nervously asked. I was standing behind her whilst she sat on the couch. I gave her shoulder a squeeze and did my best to comfort her with Jasper's ability. She gave me a tight-lipped smile and I let go.

"It happens so rarely. I never realized it was a pattern." I hadn't meant to scoff at Eleazar, just the notion itself.

"Maybe it was from my using his ability to read him, but it has always been apparent to myself and my family." I spoke up tensely. This time, it was Jacob who comforted me by reaching back from his seat on the couch and gripping hold of my hand. I walked around to sit on the arm rest and he moved his other arm around my waist now instead.

"Apparently he always pardons one person whose thoughts he claims are repentant" Carlisle added next. I had told him my findings on Aro when my family had run into the Volturi many decades ago.

"This person always has an ability. And they are always given a place within the guard."

"This is all about Alice." Edward breathed out, staring off in thought. "He has no one like her."

"Which is why she left." Bella realized.

"He's always been curious about your sister, too, Edward." Rosalie mentioned. Jacob tensed and looked at me. I kept my eyes down at my lap. "He's always felt that Violette was hiding her abilities. We don't know how much Theo has told them either." This time, I tensed and looked at Jake. His eyes were hard, anger rolled off of him in waves. His hold on my waist tightened before letting up a little.

"Theo didn't know everything about Violette, either, Rosalie." Edward reminded her.

"He thought I had abilities similar to Lauren. That I could shield my vampirism and pass as human, but also shield myself from neural damage." I mumbled.

"Wait... Aro knows I possess the ability to shield my own vampirism, Violette." the auburn-haired girl spoke out, worry marring her voice.

"We had a run in with them when we first arrived in France." Vance trailed off, eyes looking at Geneveve and then to Andres.

"That's right. If he recalled on that, he'd know there was something strange about your ability, ma Chere. Maybe, he thinks you have deux (two) abilities. Could that not be where his interests come from?" We all stayed quiet, even I was becoming nervous at this revelation.

"I've hit many a nerve with some in his guard. It's possible." I admitted.

"So, there's a possibility that this Aro guy is after Alice and Violette?" Jacob asked tensely. No one answered, we all just stared at one another, contemplating this bit of information. It most certainly was a posibility.

"But there's something I don't get," Emmett cut in. He was feeling uncomfortable at the thought that both of his adopted sisters might be at risk of being taken in by those heathens. "Why does he need witnesses?" He asked, genuinely confused on that part.

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