Ch.27:Interruption After Interruption

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Ch. 27: Interruption After Interruption

*Violet's POV*

I turned the door knob and passed through the door. I saw a wide-eyed Jake staring straight at me. I looked him up and down, wide-eyed as well. He just had a towel wrapped around his waist, and his hand in his hair. He must have been shaking his hair clear of the water droplets. I couldn't help it as my eyes traveled continuously over his highly exposed body. I took many mental pictures too, which I was embarrassed of, of course. First off was that, that towel was much, much too small for his large physique. Second was that he looked good with the crystal water drops clinging onto his body. Third, he's extremely, what would be the correct term? Oh god, I'm just going to go ahead and say it! He's drop dead gorgeous. I hadn't noticed but I was biting me lip. Hard. I heard him laugh after a bit and my eyes snapped up to meet his eyes.

"Easy there, babe. Any harder and your lip might bleed." he began to shake his hair again with his hand. My eyes went wider, if possible, and he just chuckled. I bit my lip harder and looked away. I started playing with my hair as I turned away, my back facing him.

" need to .... s-shower..." I stuttered out. He just laughed. I heard the sound of the water and air making a squashing sound, he was nearing me. I felt his presence close to me and I turned, unfortunately for me I underestimated just how close he was and his glistening chest was to me. I wanted so bad to touch his pecks to be honest. 'Oh great after all these years now my teenage hormones decide to awaken.' I thought lamely in my head.

"You should have been here earlier than, could have even taken a shower with me." I blushed crimson. Although I knew he was joking, I could also tell that was his way of scolding me for being out alone for so long.

"I...I...I..." I could think of anything to say, not sure if it was because of this embarrassing moment, the fact that Jake's overall closeness was taking its toll on me, or that I was scared he was mad. He must have seen some fear that lingered in my voice, or maybe even my eyes as he lifts up my chin. He frowned when he looked into my greenish blue eyes. I guess my thought was right.

"It's's just I don't like it when you're out for so long ok? It's dangerous. You could get hurt." He hugged me at that and I smacked straight into his chest. I felt him shudder though. "You're cold." he noted. Oh right, my temperature dropped slightly when I changed and not to mention the clothes were pretty moist from my practice session. "See this is why I didn't want you out there right now. You're going to get sick, again!" He was agitated, but it looked like more at himself for letting me go.

"But you were out patrolling in the rain." I pointed out pulling away and turning around, pretending to be stubborn. To be honest, I don't think I could have taken anymore of the heat. It was an internal heat, though. I have no idea what this boy was doing to me anymore! I heard him sigh and pull me back to his chest. God! If my cheeks get any redder you could swear I was sun burned because I doubt it's ever going to go away!

"I know, but I'm not worried about myself. I run at about 108. So, you can't compare." 108 huh? I ran my fingers up and down his pecks. I don't know what got into me but I had to let my body do what it wanted or I doubt I'd be able to control myself without making a huge fool of myself. I ran my fingers from his stomach to his abs, to his pecks. He was warm. I felt him shiver. I pinned it on my cold fingertips. I let my hands travel higher, as they danced across his delicate, fiery skin. I grazed his neck with my fingertips, then slowly brought them down to his shoulders as they went to his hands. The whole time he'd shiver. I held his hands and looked at them. I closed my eyes and leaned up as high as I could to kiss him, pulling him down slightly with his arms. I pulled back.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, eyes closed, lip being bitten and still close enough to feel his extra temperature. I heard him clear his throat.

"It's ok. Just go, so I can change." He turned me around. 'Way to kill the mood.' I thought as I was pushed out. Maybe he was still mad? Maybe that's why his voice sounded so strained and forced. He sounded like he just took in a big breath of helium. *giggles* His voice was that high pitched. I just shrug it off. I looked into my hands. I must have dropped my clothes inside. I'd get them later on when I went in. I still searched my hands. They were pink...and warm. I smiled. Still observing my red hands, I walked back to my room, in my strange daze.

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