Chapter 62 - The Witnesses

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A/N - Okay guys! Just a quick heads up! I started my 2nd part time job. So I now work my full time job and two part time PM jobs. (Don't come to Cali, its expensive AF) I have ONE day (today) where I don't work at either gig and will try to use that time to write! :) Wish me luck!

Chapter 62 - The Witnesses

*Violet's POV*

Carlisle and Esme's arrival was a breath of fresh air to me. However, the newcomer they brought didn't sit well with me. His thoughts, his aura, and his jittery emotions left me feeling uneasy. I had the inkling suspicion that he could not be trusted. Edward felt the same way. I told him I would keep an eye on him. While the man, Alabaster, feared the Volturi, the man feared change and conflict all the same.

Esme had engulfed me in a hug upon seeing me. Her mind a stream of thoughts as she inquired about my children, but opting to verbally ask how I was doing instead. I told her all was well from what I could tell. Carlisle had given me a knowing look. His thoughts telling me we would speak later. Privately. I had just smiled and hugged him, given our company.

Once my two parental figures situated themselves at home again, and greeted the other vampires sharing our territory, we all went back to practicing our abilities. In typical Carlisle fashion, he observed and gave notes. Carlisle was quick to ask how my powers were progressing, inquiring about the old and new powers I'd acquired. I told him that mine weren't an issue at the time being. He had looked puzzled by my wording.

"I can show you, but according to my mate and older brother," I shot the two a look as they came closer. "I need wider areas to practice some of them." I rolled my eyes.

"Has your teleporting improved to how it was before, ma Chere?" I looked to my oldest friend, nodding. "Perhaps you could demonstrate to Carlisle in that valley you took me to before?" She winked at me. I smiled, catching onto her idea.

"It's on Jacob's territory," I looked to him. "Can we take my father, just to show him?" The excuse would stop the other vampires present from asking to join. Jacob looked at me confused, taking a second to get what we were trying to do, before he eventually nodded fervently.

"Yeah, shouldn't be a problem if it's just you and Carlisle."

"Then let's get going, shall we? Jacob, if you could join us?" Jacob walked up to me hesitently, hating being transported. Vampires didn't get stomach sick, being undead and all. He took his time to put his hand on my shoulder and Carlisle smiled at him and took hold of my other shoulder before I blinked us away. It was only a few seconds before Jacob was turning to empty his stomach again, profanities swirling around his head. "I take it that happens every time?" Carlisle asked as I rubbed my mate's back.

"Yeah, it's not the greatest feeling. Like your lunch is still at the other place and you're here, but it's still trying to catch up." I said nervously. I'd learned it best to transport myself on an empty stomach. Of course, I could last longer without food and I didn't get queasy off blood anymore since having the children.

"I'm okay." Jacob groaned, standing upright and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand when Carlisle asked if he was alright. "We should go, I think it's Jared on guard duty." I looked to the back door, expecting to see Jared like Jacob mentioned. Between him and Paul, I wasn't sure who was the most apprehensive with any other of us Cullens. Or which one was most fearful about children in general. He soon popped up, looking near having a panic attack.

"Oh, thank God, you're here!" Jacob and I looked at each other. I wasted no time, zipping past him, through the house and to my kids.

"What happened?!" I could hear Jacob shout at him, his loud footfalls running behind me. I had stopped upon seeing Seth in the room with the twins. They looked fine.

Uncompatible Love*Jacob Black Love Story*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz