21. Secrets & Truths

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Ch. 21: Secrets & Truths*start*

*Violet's POV*

I hear Jacob's light steps as he neared the room. I wished I had Gen's transporting powers to just avoid this whole conversation. The words the other's spoke made me feel somewhat better, but I was still a little edgy about this whole "talk". I wanted to avoid it as much as possible because, well because that would be it. No more secrets for him. I would know absolutely everything about him. He confided everything in me, anything that had to do with him, that is. I know he kept this a secret from me because he was scared of either what I would think or say, that, and this wasn't only his secret to tell.

I couldn't tell him my secret, though. I already knew that they knew about my family, they just didn't know that they were my family. I didn't want him to tell me to my face what he was, because then that's it. No more secrets. That would never happen with me though. There were many secrets that have to be kept under lock and key. I saw him come inside the room and sit on the other corner of the bed. My head was somewhat down while his view was towards the carpeting Rebecca had in her room.

It was quiet, as neither of us wanted to speak, well I didn't. I think Jacob just didn't know where to start off from. I heard him sigh and run his hand over his face as he tried numerous times to speak. He would open his mouth and then close it abruptly, repeating the process a few times before getting frustrated. I would flinch anytime he would open his mouth and I think he took that as a bad sign. He probably thought I was scared of him or something. I would have to stop that; I didn't want to cause him anymore pain then what he had already suffered from in the past.

Although he confirmed to me that he was over Bella, the way he spoke about it for the first time was full of pain and regret. Every time he spoke of Edward, he would literally spit his name out. It was obvious he hated my brother with a passion. That was one of the reasons why I couldn't tell Jacob the whole truth. I was afraid of the outcome. I mean come on! We are the reason he has to go through any of this! I really didn't want to lose him; I loved him already in such a short time. I would give him whatever he wanted, except the truth. Pretty ironic, isn't it? You need trust and honesty in a good relationship, yet here I am, willing to give him anything in return for his love except that which can hold us together.

I hadn't noticed that I sighed after my internal battle, but I did. That caught Jacob's attention and he looked at me. He was a bit wary, but he stood up and edged closer to me until he was right in front of me. He probably thought I would run off, screaming out the door. He bended down until he was crouching in front of me as best as he could. My head was down and he slowly lifted it up for me to look into his beautiful, brown eyes. He looked pained, and the second I saw that look in his eyes, I broke. I threw my arms around his neck causing him to lose balance and fall back. I was lying on top of him letting the soft tears run down my face and onto his bare chest.

"I'm s-sorry!" I told him. He hesitantly put his arm around me and patted it.

*Third Person's POV*

Jacob was confused when Violet began to cling onto him and cry. He could not only smell the salty tears, but he could feel as they ran down his warm chest. He wanted to cry himself when he noticed that she was crying. Although he was confused as to why she was sorry. It wasn't like it was his fault he was the way he is. He was trying his hardest to keep the tears at bay, but when he lifted her off and looked into her tear-stained eyes, a tear slid down. He kissed her eyes, now sure at what he was about to say. He picked her up and walked to the bed sitting on the edge. He cradled her in his lap, waiting for her tears to stop. They soon did and he looked into her eyes.

"Why are you sorry?" he asked in a whisper. Violet looked like she could fall apart at any moment. She was sorry for so many things. She was sorry for her own existence, for causing him this pain, for being one of the causes of him turning into a large wolf. All of it!. She sniffled as she rubbed her eyes a little. She resembled a little child at the moment, as Jacob cradled her tiny frame in his large one.

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