ch.25: Lost Then Found

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Ch. 25: Lost Then Found

*Edward's POV*

I was looking after Bella while she slept. I wanted to ask her a few questions, but withdrew from the idea. Bella came first and from the second that, that mongrel handed Bella over to me she was falling asleep. It was obvious she had a big day; I'd give her time to tell me. If not, I had my own methods of finding out the truth I sought out for. Even if it meant crossing the border line. Although I was almost certain it was her. The way that mutt pictured her, with such detail, I was sure it was her. Besides, what were the chances that someone with such close appearance would have the same name. Sure, my sister's name was Violette, but the girl from the wolf's thoughts was named Violet. They were both the same thing just different pronunciations and in different languages.

The whole time Bella slept I contemplated whether or not I should just barge straight into wolf territory and see the Violette look alike. Although Bella would be upset if an argument, or a war for that matter, where to break loose. It took all my will power to control my anger. I heard Jacob's thoughts. They were all of her. Just thinking that the girl could be my sister angered me. If he had so much as touched her in anyway, I would rip him to shreds and leave him for dead. His enhanced healing would not serve him this time. Although there was nothing impure about his thoughts, I simply could not stand the fact that there was a possibility that a mutt could be in such proximity with my sister.

I did my best to calm myself, for Bella's sake. Yet, I could not help but wonder. What did Bella have to do in this? Had she known all along where my sister was? If so, why had she kept it a secret from me and my family? I would have many things to talk about with Bella once she awoke, but for now... I waited. My phone would go off a couple of times, but I thought nothing of it. It was always Alice, however. After a while it was a txt from Alice that was the cause of the vibration's buzzing. I opened it.

"Edward, come home as SOON as possible!"

I looked at the clock, the bright numbers taunting me. I still had a few hours before Bella would awaken and at the moment, that was most important to me. I just had to wait an incredibly long four hours until eight in the morning. I waited, and waited, and waited. Those hours seemed eternal to me, and I should know. I needed answers, and my constant thoughts only tormented me more. The only humor and entertainment I had was in Charlie's dreams. He either dreamt from him locking me up, or of Bella when she was a little girl. Soon, however, time passed as is intended. Bella stirred and she began to move uncontrollably in the bed. A nightmare. I awoke her.

"Are you okay, Love?" I asked her, holding her close to me.

"S-she...they were g-gonna k-kill her....and...they...she was...." she was babbling. I could not make much out of it and presumed that it was the usual Victoria nightmare she had been having for a while.

"It's okay, Love...Victoria isn't going to kill anybody." I reassured her.

"I...I wasn't dreaming about that...."

"No? Then what is it?" I asked noticing she could form coherent sentences now.

"I was...dreaming about the-the third wife. I was there and so was...."

"So was who, Bella?" I asked her, urging her to continue. Bella had told me a bit of the story from last night just before she passed out from exhaustion and I wanted to know just what exactly took place in her dream and who partook in it.

"All of us...nothing...I'm okay." she said, just trying to move on to another subject. "Your phones bleeping."

"Yes, I's Alice...I should be going actually. Hurry and dress Love, I'll be back in a little to come pick you up. Alice wants to talk to me...and I to you." I told her as I disappeared through her window.

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