Ch 61 - The Collector

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Chapter 61 – Collector

*Violet's POV*

'Red eyes everywhere.' I heard Jacob's thoughts and went to look up at him as I squeezed his hand. We currently stood by the front door, all eyes on us. I saw Edward look to me next. Currently, Bella and Tanya were introducing Jacob and myself to the newcomers. Some were familiar, having crossed paths with them before or even heard tales of some. But most were strangers to me. And most of said strangers, sported the blood red eyes of someone who feasted on the blood of humans.

'You seem to have pretty good control over my power.' I nodded to his thoughts. 'Do you have control over all of them again?' A picture of Alice at the forefront of his mind. I frowned, and shook my head no instead.

"Darling, it's been some time." I know that drawl. I look to the side and spot Garette. I tense when he comes to hug me. I had no bad blood towards him, pun intended. However, I knew Jacob was already on edge and felt out of place. He was going to be particularly protective over me right now, and he didn't know Garette. He just saw some red eyed vamp hug his imprint. I was not surprised when Jacob growled and pulled me back towards him by my waist. Garette simply laughed it off.

"Thank you for coming, Garette."

"Your brother promised a show. He wasn't kidding." I looked to Edward. He thinks Emmette's name and I nod, understanding that it was Em that brought casa nova over.

"Is it true, that you are also a hybrid?" I looked over to a young girl with dark hair, flanked by two red heads. The older looking two behind her eyed me, their thoughts loud despite their quiet demeanor. The girl in front of me, Maggie, they were expecting her to interrogate me.

"Yes. I was born not bitten." I clarified.

"And you have gifts like the child?" I kept my lips shut tight at that, looking around, seeing that everyone was waiting on baited breath for me to respond.

"I have a gift, yes." The girl raised her brow at me. "I can tell that you're trying to detect some sort of lie from me, yes? You won't find one."

"You might not be lying, but you are not being honest." She says back to me. I eye the people all around me currently.

"You all came to witness on behalf of my family. It's obvious to see I'm no immortal child, and neither is Renesmee. Some of you even have reservations as to why you are here. Curiosity is your driving force for most of you, I can sense that much."

"You are a mind reader like your brother?" The man that spoke, had red eyes, but it was his aura that captivated me. This man had most definitely been through some things. Just off what I could get from his mind and the walls I ran into while trying to read him. He dressed similarly to the boy, Benjamin.

"Yes and no." whispering kicked in. I made eye contact with my friends from the Paris coven. Their thoughts unanimous. 'Trust the group'

"You wish for us to risk our lives, the lives of our charges, but you withhold information from us. Is this how Carlisle runs his Coven. Dishonesty. Wolves." I hissed at that.

"Our kinship with the wolves strengthens our coven and their pack. We share this land. We divide and protect our land. I will not tolerate any form of disrespect or hostility towards my mate or his brothermen, let me make that clear. I am hesitant, for the same reason that you hid him," I point to the young man from earlier, "away from others of our kind."

"You have to understand, my sister's secret goes far more than just being a hybrid." Edward trying to placate the situation, put a hand on my shoulder. "That same secret, puts her in danger. Amun, you said you hid Benjamin to keep him safe from the Volturi. We all know they crave power. Aro in particular is a collector of powers."

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