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Ch. 5 School? *start*

*Violette's Pov*

It had been two days since the whole hybrid ordeal. Geneveve took it pretty well. She didn't feel any different towards me. I was sad. She had to leave back to France in a few more weeks. She ran a fashion boutique. Alice was thrilled, especially after she saw all the clothes I got her. Unfortunately, like Rose said, I was the test dummy, Dolly, whatever. Point being that now, I had a very large wardrobe with revealing shirts that I found best suited for someone else.

Alice had cut my hair for me since while human it grew really long. It was now a little longer than mid back cut in multiple layers so that the curls at the end of my hair bounced upwards naturally. I also re-died the tips of my bangs purple, Alice didn't approve, but did it any ways.

At the moment everyone was doing something. Jasper, Rosalie and Gen went hunting to show her where the deer where best found. Esme was cooking Bella something while she and Eddy where in her room. I rather not say what they were doing since, unfortunately, I could hear the sound of lips smacking together. I shivered. 'Getta room. Far from here!' I thought. 'Stop listening in then' I heard Edward's thoughts echo back. I laughed distracting Emmett from his game. I sat next to him as I heard the door open revealing the trio that went hunting.

"What 'ya watching Emmy"

"Emmy? What happened to Em?"

"Ed-Eddy... Em-Emmy. Same thing don't cha think."

"NO!" I heard Edward shout from upstairs.

"Oh who asked you?! Go back to sucking face will 'ya!" I could feel Bella's embarrassment and looked towards Jasper. "I'm too lazy to do it Jaz, can you help her out for me pwease big bwada?" I asked giving him the best baby voice and face I could muster. He did and I turned back to Emmet.

"You know what we haven't done in a long time Em?" I said using his 'manlier' nickname instead. He looked confused.


"Arm wrestle!" I sated happily. Suddenly everyone was surrounding us as Edward and Bella walked down the stairs.

"You're on! I've been practicing! Just you watch." I grinned like a little child on Christmas.

"How is that fair? She's so small." Bell stated, worriedly. "Aren't you afraid she could get hurt?" I could hear Bella ask as we all made our way into a clearing. Emmet tried to make himself look tough as he smashed a giant boulder into a platform for our arms to rest.

"Hardly Bella. Emmet's the one I'm worried about." answered Eddy with a laugh as Emmet glared. We placed our hands together as Rosalie held our locked hands.

"Ready?" asked Rose a little uneasy. I nodded still grinning.

"Yeah! This one's for you, babe." She then released our hands. I began to toy with Emmett as I let our hands stay even. After a few minutes I began to let it look like he was winning. I could hear Bella gasp as I was less than an inch away from losing. I looked at her winking and then -

"I WIN!" I shouted. Everyone laughed as Emmet threw a tantrum. Bella looked shocked out of her mind.

"No fair! You were toying with me. Waiting for me to lose my strength. He said making up excuses.

"No. I just didn't want to embarrass you so bad in front of your girl, moron!" I said as I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Rematch. Play fair." I went to him. The second I was allowed to begin, I pinned his arm down.

"Beat cha!" I said grinning. He just stormed inside the house. "Aww! I'm sorry I emasculated you Em! I'm sorry! If you want, I'll let you win!" I didn't mean to make things worse for him, but after that was said, the others including Bella, erupted into fits of laughter. I sighed. "Now what, I'm bored. I know! Eddy?! Let's race, yeah?!" I said looking at him. His laughter soon turned into small chuckles.

"No thank you! I DON'T want to be humiliated by someone half my size!" He shouted for Emmett to hear. We herd him shout shut up as Rose went inside to comfort him. I suddenly stopped as I got a vision.

"What?! You guys signed me up for school tomorrow?! You know I hate that! I'm always the 'other Cullen.'" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Don't worry, at least now you know what you're wearing tomorrow." said Alice enthusiastically.

"TOMORROW?!" I asked/yelled at them.

"Yes, sweety. Tomorrow." said Esme. I sighed grumbling my hatred towards school.

"It can't be that bad Violette...can it?!" asked Bella.

"You can't read a high school boy's mind......and Mr. Overprotective there" I said pointing towards Edward, "Won't even let me outside at dark with people, unless Jasper, Emmett, or him tag along. I think it's stupid! STUPID BOYS! STUPID BROTHERS!" that just made Edward laugh harder along with Jasper. I guess Emmett was still all pouty considering I didn't hear his booming laugh. I pouted and crossed my arms. "What grade am I assigned to, know I thought I'd at least have a month to get used to things."

"School just started honey, and you'll be a sophomore...the others are seniors."

"What?! Not fair! I have to stay in school for two..."


"Thank you, Jasper....Three more years...while they can go off after one?" I sighed. "Fine, but no nagging at my behavioral issues." I said looking directly at Edward. He didn't say anything until Bella nudged him.

"What?" he asked looking at her.

"Agree to her conditions." Bella told him. He looked pained.

"But...." He started before sighing at her look. " Fine." I smiled and went over to Bella.

"I have a feeling I'm really going to like you, Bella. I don't mind having you for a sister-in-law." I stated happily. The girls giggled as she turned a bright red. While Jasper laughed at Edward when his eyes bulged out. "Come with me to go get my books." I told her as the girls followed me to my car.

"What about us?" asked the guys as Rose got in while Emmett stood next to the men.

"You have cars...beside my car only seats 5...Me, Bella, Gen, Alice, and Rose.... Take Emmet's jeep...It's the only thing that'll probably fit his size." I said laughing as we headed out to go get my school supplies.

"So, Bella, know anyone you could present me to?" I asked nicely.

"All her friends are either humans or Werewolves, Violette." said Rosalie butting in.

"Huh? Wolves? I thought they were all gone last time we came." I said looking into my rear-view mirror at my sisters.

"That's why they changed. They change when they feel the presence of vampires." said Bella. I smiled at her. I could tell she didn't like to be put on the spot so I changed the subject.

"Ok then, Alice, do you know what exactly my wardrobe will be? I just saw what I'm wearing tomorrow. And if I wear what I got at France with this weather, they probably will think I'm crazy." I said giggling. I heard Bella somewhat chuckle. I felt it was my responsibility to make her feel better after the way that I treated her and all. I noticed that she felt very uncomfortable when Rose was near so I tried to lighten up the mood. Alice's face was blank for a second before she spoke.

"Don't worry. You'll mostly be using my clothes, enforced by me of course." she said as I opened my mouth to object. "Although I do see a few shirts that I approve of. So, pull up here." She said pointing to a shop as we neared the center of Port Angeles. I nodded as my shopping spree began 

Uncompatible Love*Jacob Black Love Story*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora