ch.30 Loving Brother

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Ch. 30: Loving Brother

*Edward's POV* ~~~this takes place during the graduation ceremony~~~

I saw her, I saw Violette. That mangy mutt was by her side. Bella gave me a look from where she stood and I rolled my eyes. I could see Violette and Jacob leaving towards the backdoor and I was a little uneasy after hearing Violette's thoughts as she panicked. She was losing control. However, I was also worried about what dog boy might do, he was mad and confused as they both stormed towards the exit. After that, that's all I heard from Violette. The rest of the thoughts all belonged to my sister. I was pulled back to my surroundings though when the principle called out my name and I saw Alice going to sit down.

'I can smell her, Edward. She's with him, but she will come back. Don't worry.' I just side glanced at Alice and then Jasper was called to step forward. He told me not to worry as well, through his mind, of course. I looked towards the crowd and saw Emmett calming an angry Rosalie. She agreed with me about Violette associating with the wolves. She thought that they would corrupt her further. She could smell both their scents close by.

'This is ridiculous Edward! I know you can hear my thoughts. Why are you agreeing with that pathetic mortal?! How does she know what's best for our sister?! We know how our kind is like, and Violette does, too. Why else do you think she refuses to tell the truth?! That, that mutt will surely try and kill her if they find out the truth! How long can this charade continue?!' Rosalie was snarling and she turned to the door that silently opened and closed. The musky scent getting stronger as did Violette's aroma. I ignored her thoughts as other's stepped forward.

'Edward, son? You're doing the right thing. Bella is right. Your sister has surely shown improvement. The time will come and both will be put to the test. Whether it is infatuation or love or lust," I involuntarily growled at the disgusting thought and the other's heard. I could see the mutt stare at me as well, doing better than I at suppressing his own growl. "Edward. Don't make a scene.' Carlisle warned.

'Edward? What's wrong?' asked Esme. I shook my head, telling her it was nothing.

'Hey man, come on. If everything doesn't work out, we can always just get rid of the dude. I bet we could take them on.' I smirked at Emmett's idea, but then frowned. Violette would never forgive me for causing a war without reason. She hated violence with a passion. She may not have been quick to anger, but in a case like this, she would surely show her true nature.

I heard them call Bella's name and I clapped louder than I had for the others. She had a soft pink tint to her cheeks and I smiled at her. I saw my sister look at me a few times and I'd meet her stare, but I could see she was scared. No, I heard her say she was scared. Jasper could see it the most. She was scared of me. She was terrified beyond her mind, of what I would do, of what he would think, of the results of today's event overall. I felt shame was over me. I wasn't so sure of my previous thoughts now.

*Violet's POV*~~~~back to party~~~~(ok I know I should have put that in the last ch, but I need it on this one to help make sense of a few things)

I could see a bunch of people at the house. Wow, Alice did an amazing job with decorating the house. Too bad all these humans are going to soil the surroundings with all their garbage. Besides! I thought the drinking age was still 21? Then why are there still a bunch of kids out here drinking? Whatever. I just kept walking and some of the kids were already as drunk as can be. I looked at my cell phone and it read 8:30. The party had just began and there were already so many guests. Jacob kept walking, but stopped suddenly, as did Quil and Embry.

"Damn man! Can't we at least just wait out here for a bit?" whined Quil.

"Yea man! The smell is killing me! At least until we're used to it?!" chimed in Embry.

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