Chapter 53 - Happier than Ever

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A/N - A little shorter than what your used to, I'm sure. But this felt like the right time to cut it since things are about to take a turn mwahaha lol Special thanks to one particular person , Dreamer_44 , thank you so so much for your support! I appreciate you greatly for being with me all these years and for your patience! Thank you for making finishing this book worthwhile! 

Chapter 53 – Happier than Ever

*Violette's POV*

The flowers had finally come to an end and Nessie was prompt to let go of my hand before zipping around the large lot. I was so confused. I know for a fact that this house hadn't been here before. The lake where I'd nearly given Jacob a heart attack when he thought I drowned was nearby. As a matter of fact, it didn't take me much to be able to hear the moving water. The house, or what was there of it, was beautiful. I could see a light, almost rustic oak, porch with a swinging seat placed by a wide double door. My eyes had gone straight to it when I saw the pastel yellow and pastel green stuffed puppies sitting on it. I felt my eyebrow twitch, somewhat irked. I heard Edward laugh.

"Renesmee picked those two plushes out, Violet. She thought you'd just love them for the twins." I stared at my brother as he smirked at me. I did my best to grin at my little niece who quickly ran back to me with the toys in hand.

"Aren't they so cute, Aunty! For the babies' nursery!" I smiled at her, but tilted my head in confusion. We hadn't decided on where to set up a nursery, be it mine or his family's house.

"Thank you, sweety! That's very nice of you! We'll have to get to work on a nursery soon to make use of these two toys." I smiled at her, taking the toys in hand.

"That's kind of being taken care of for you." My head quickly snapped up at who'd come out the front door of the home. Seth. I felt myself hold on tighter onto the stuffed toys. I felt tears welling up in my eyes but did my best to suppress them, using Jasper's abilities a little to help. I smiled at him as he grinned at me, jumping down the porch easily despite the jeans and button up that he wore.

"I- I don't understand." I stuttered at, feeling my throat closing up a little and opting to look at the others as they all looked at me happily. "Can someone explain what's going on?" I turned to look at Jacob now. "Is this your new home, Seth?" I asked, bewildered.

"Nope." he said, popping the P in nope and walking towards me. I felt Jacob put his hands on my shoulders, massaging them lightly. Seth was suddenly in front of me, grabbing one of my hands and removing the plush in it. I felt his thumb rubbing the top of my hand as he smiled at me. I saw his eyes go to Jake for just a second, nodding, before going back to stare at me. "This..." he gestured to the house, still not releasing my hand. "Is your new house. Or it will be. Needs some more work on it from all of us. We've all been providing a lot of the labor actually." he grinned "You family's pretty loaded, did you know?" He joked at I heard the others chuckle with me.

"This is going to be our home?" I said, bringing my free hand with the plush up to my face to wipe my tears. I stared at Seth, about to turn to look at the others before he brought me into an embrace.

"Congrats, Vie." I heard him whisper in my ear before kissing my cheek rapidly and moving away. I vaguely heard Jacob shout at him. I was too busy trying to process this whole thing. We had a house. We had a house and a baby, babies, on the way. How were things so perfect right now.

"Aww don't cry Violet! We aren't even done with the surprises!" I heard Emily shout, she sounded like she was sniffling too.

"Yeah, runt! Hold the water works for like 5 more minutes!" I heard Emmett shout next. I laughed, so did the others. I turned to look at them all, so grateful for them and all that they did to make this all so perfect. I went to open my mouth to say thank you, reaching back for Jake to take his hand. I stopped when I realized he wasn't within arm's reach anymore.

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