ch. 43: All Is Fair In Love and War

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Ch. 43: All is Fair in Love and War

*Edward's POV* (haven't done one of these in a while)

I stared at my sister from where I was seated. I was holding onto Bella as she laid lazily on the bed, all while my sister just stared absent mindedly out the window. It was easy to see that she was distraught about yesterday's occurrences. I just couldn't bear to see her like this, in this depressed state. She wouldn't even let me or Jasper anywhere into her head, after reverting back to her original form, of course. I was about to open my mouth to ask her if she would get Bella some water, just to get her to move about, but she turned to look at me right before. Amber eyes filled to the brim with hurt and pain stared intently at me before she spoke.

"Just because you can't read my mind, does not mean I cannot read yours, Edward. Please stop worrying over me. I will, however, go get Bella that glass of water because she looks parched." She ended that with a final friendly smile at Bella before getting up and out the door.

"I'm worried about her." I looked down at Bella and kissed her forehead before squeezing her hand to comfort her.

"Yes, we're all worried about her, but we are more worried about you. Are you feeling hungry?" she thought about it before turning a faint pink and nodding. I smiled and got up. "Be right back." As soon as I closed the door, I felt someone screaming for me inside my head. It was Alice. I ran outside, knowing where she was, and went directly to her. I took notice that the others were right there with her as well. "What's wrong with her." Rosalie was rocking my sister back and forth as she tearlessly cried.

"We don't know! She was in the kitchen and then she just suddenly ran outside!" spoke Emmett, obviously scared for our sister himself.

"We figured she must have seen someone, but then Jasper said she was hurt. Violette's not letting either of you into her mind, or emotions, for hours so we knew something was wrong." I tried to probe into my sister's mind after what Esme said, but I found nothing, she was blocking me out again.

"I think she was having a vision," Alice piped in.

"What did you get from her when you could feel her emotions?" I asked Jasper.

"Fear, anger, pain, frustration...mainly fear. Maybe some denial. I don't know it wasn't easy to make out anything, it never is with her because her powers are always interfering with mine even when she's not trying." I could tell he was frustrated with himself, he wanted to help her as much as the rest of us did. She was after all our little sister, and I, more than anyone, wanted her to snap out of her depressive state.

"Sshh. It's okay, Violette. You're fine." Rosalie had managed to somewhat calm her, since her sobbing had stopped and she was now reduced to just the occasional hiccup. Eventually, I saw my sister drop her hand on Rose's shoulder nodding that she was okay.

"What happened? What did you see?" I looked into her eyes, probing her thoughts, hoping to find anything that would tell me what had upset her so much. I was almost afraid to find the answers to my questions.

"I..." I waited patiently for her to continue; I think we all did. She never did. Instead, she got up and walked inside the house. We stared at each other, not sure what to make of her strange behavior. In the end, we chose to follow her. We heard her talking to Bella. "Oh, hey there Bells....have you seen my phone anywhere?" Bella looked sadly at her when she took a pause to sniff, she was also a little red in the face. My sister looked away and I felt her vampiric scent hit me full force. "Here it is!" she got it and before I could ask her what was wrong, she ran out again, shouting behind her. "I'll be right back!"

I waited around for a while, lying on the sofa with Bella in my arms as we watched some television. I had been absentmindedly rubbing her stomach; the more I thought about it, the more I looked forward to the child. Bella was set on having herself a boy, and had the ridiculous idea to name the child after me and the mutt.

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