Chapter 68 - Ex's and Woes

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AN: Whew! This was something I felt like I needed to address. Didn't want anyone to think I forgot about him. The finale is the next episode guys! Can you believe it?! It's bittersweet! Contemplating doing the Epilogue with the Finale and having a long chapter. Or would you prefer two separate shorter chapters? Let me know in the comments! As always, votes are appreciated. 

Chapter 68 – Ex's and Woes

*Violet's POV*

"No, wait! That one should go in this room! Emmett, move that next to the refrigerator. Honestly Paul, have you no vision? That painting goes on the other wall! People, I can't do all the work!" Groaned an exasperated Alice. All the boys that were currently helping bring in the furniture into our home just stopped what they were doing to look at the pixie like vampire.

"No, no I have NO vision. That's all you, lady." Grumbled Paul as he swapped the painting in his hand for the one mounted on the opposite wall. After swapping the location for both paintings, he motioned to them with both arms. "Hmm? Happy?!" He shouted annoyed before tossing his hands up and walking away. "That barbeque better be fucking worth it, I swear." I chuckled as I walked by him with two tin trays in hand.

"Oh, trust me. I definitely out did myself." I grinned at him. I heard the wolf boys groan, some even drooling as the smell wafted into the air.

"Okay, okay! The fast we finish the faster you lot can eat."

"I don't eat!" shouted Emmett.

"Maybe we should let them handle it, Alice. After they eat, they might have more energy." Jasper went and nervously tried to coax his mate into leaving the house and to the front yard where there were a couple picnic tables.

"Oh no! I saw what happens if they eat first! This one day move in, turns into a two day!"

"Hey, we got the bed in there, the fridge, and the kids' stuff in the nursery," Jacob counted on one hand as he had the giant TV over his shoulder. "And I'm about to prop this sucker into the living room. Way I see it, I got all the essentials." Jacob grinned.

"Ugh, these men just don't understand." sighed Alice.

"You can help me with Logan?" Rosalie suggested as she tried to manage both fidgety newborns.

It had been four months since the ordeal with the Volturi. Life went back to normal, or as normal as it could get for my family. It took longer than anticipated to complete the house and we had wanted to wait until it was finished before we got married. Our wedding date was set for 2 weeks from now. All our friends and family had been informed and were due to arrive.

I pitied Jacob for having been the one that had to tell his sister, Rebecca, that we were engaged. Oh, and that she was an aunt and had been for a couple months now. Oh, the earful that he got was nothing to the one his father and Rachelle received. I wasn't let off the hook either though. Although, she was a lot more lenient with me. She claimed she understood mom life and that other things took precedence. She also went on about something called, "pregnancy brain". Whatever that was.

She was going to arrive next week, wanting some extra time to be with her family before the wedding. We offered her our home, of course. She was a family of four, and I knew that might be a tight squeeze at Billy's. Jacob had moped about it as I proposed the idea to her over the phone, but I ignored him. Not that it mattered since Rebecca said that her husband and kids were eager to see their Pop Pop, Billy, and that Jacob and I needed our time to ourselves. She did offer to take the kids for the week we would be in our honeymoon, but Jacob and I hadn't agreed to anything.

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