Jealousy isn't pretty

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Ch. 3: Jealousy isn't pretty *edited

*Violette's Pov*

"May I help you?" I heard downstairs.

"Oh Oui! Are you the Cullens? I'm Geneveve, Violette's friend."

"Oh yes, dear! I don't think that she's up yet, though, I'd be more than happy to go call her for you."

I looked around me as I noticed I wasn't awaken by the sun flashing through the glass. That's when I remembered. New room. I sighed. "I'm up!" I shouted so that Esme didn't have to waste time. "Oof!" I shouted as a sudden weight was on my stomach, knocking the air out.

"Get up! Get up! My stuffs here! Go get it!" Alice!

"I'm up! Gosh! And good morning to you too, Alice." She gave me a cheeky grin and with inhuman speed ran downstairs where I heard her bother my poor friend with multiple questions. Most of them concerning her belongings. I quickly changed into some dark blue skinny jeans with a dark blue and white mid sleeve shirt along with matching converse. I just shook my hair after pulling it out of my ponytail and headed downstairs.

"Violette! Wow! You were right! It is beautiful around here!" answered my French companion, her accent coming through as she spoke. "Although I am eager to meet your idiotic bro.." I quickly covered her hand when I heard a car screech outside. I laughed nervously.

"He's here so keep it on the down low please. I'm kind of mad at him," I paused. "Again." I was nudged by my sister seconds after I rewmoved my hand from her space. "Oh, but before Alice decides to rip me to shreds, did you bring the clothes I told you along with the other gifts?" She scratched the back of her head nodding.

"Yes it's in my-" She was cut off.

"Hey there, Violette. Don't I get a welcome home hug?"

'Stupid Edward! He had a lot of nerve. Oops! I wasn't supposed to let him in my mind! Oh no there I go again! Ah! Stupid! Lalalalala!' trying not to think on it, was proving harder than I remembered.

"Hello." I heard a bashful voice say as an average looking girl came behind Edward. Esme and Alice were quick to approach her and greeted her with a hug and a smile. I slightly glared and if possible I would have thought she shrunk a bit at my look.

*Edward's POV* (starts from yesterday)

I had seen a shiny black Lamborghini cut me off. I already knew who it was and thought it best to bring Bella with me to meet her. I turned my car back around and headed towards her house. I had parked quite a bit away and ran the rest of the way.

Once I saw her house in view I jumped in through her window after opening it. Unfortunately, Bella was already fast asleep. I sighed and figured I'd wait until morning and take her to see my two? girl I knew she wouldn't be happy that I didn't see her today, but I wanted her to meet Bella. They were both special to me. I wonder how Violette will take it? I sighed, just worrying about how they'd both react.

After a few hours of watching Bella sleeping peacefully I saw her stirring in her sleep and then her eyes flutter open. She gasped. I guess she wasn't expecting to see me today. I did tell her I might not come today.

"Edward, you scared me," she said as she breathed in deeply while clutching her heart. I apologized and kissed her good morning. "I thought you weren't going to show up today?" she asked me

"Something, or someone, came up. I want you to meet her." I said as I held her.

"Her?" I nodded. "As in a girl?" I nodded again. "o...okay" she was stuttering. I smiled at how nervous she was.

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