Ch. 14: Devoted

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Ch. 14: Devoted*Start*

*Jacob's POV*

The car ride was very silent. My dad just looked straight ahead the whole time. Thankfully, though, we got home soon cause this whole cold shoulder crap is getting on my nerves. I parked the car and stepped out to get the wheelchair and helped Billy out. I pushed him into the house up the little wooden path to help him wheel himself up. He wheeled himself over to the kitchen and sat near the table, waiting. I went back to the car to pick Violet up. At least her fever had gone down some. I looked her over and smiled at the peaceful look she had. She was beautiful in every way. I took her inside the house.

"Put her in Rebecca's room." I heard my dad call out.

I simply nodded and did what was told. I placed her on the bed and moved the comforter aside. I noticed she didn't bring her bags. I'd just go get them later before she woke up. I didn't think I'd be able to change her anyways. Yeah, I didn't want to risk it. Instead, I just took off her shoes and covered her up with the comforter and an extra blanket since it got pretty cold at night. I sat at the edge of the bed and stared at her for a while. The whole time I was smiling. Who knew it'd be this easy to find your imprint. Maybe it wasn't as rare. I looked back at how hard I tried to gain Bella's love. With Violet, I had a feeling things were going to just come naturally. I kissed her forehead goodnight and headed downstairs to see my dad now in the living room.

"Sit." My dad ordered pointing to the couch. I did. "Now, tell me what's going on, Jacob" he said sternly. Kinda reminded me of Sam when he acted like that.

"That's what I'd like to know." I told him looking confused. "What was up with everyone? It's not like I did something wrong." I told him.

"In a way, you did." Ok, now I was confused. "Those who have found their imprints already, are mad at how easily you could put YOURS aside for another girl..." I was about to deny, but he cut me off. "Let me finish... The others who didn't are mad at the fact that they WANT to find their imprints... Now, the question is, are you SURE you imprinted on the girl?" I was mad now.

"What?! Of course, I did, I love her! I only went to Bella to keep my promise to her. I also wanted her to meet Violet! They're idiots if they'd think I'd hurt her. I don't want Bella that way anymore... Sure, I still love her, but not like I love Violet, Dad." At first, I was whispering harshly at my dad, but towards the last bit, I fixed my tone showing I meant it. I saw Billy nod.

"In that case, come give your old man a hug." I smiled and he patted my back. "I'm happy for you Jake, but this means you have to be completely devoted to her. You'll also have to tell her the truth at some point..." I nodded sighing.

"I know... I just," I sighed. "I want her to get used to me first... You know, to the pack and everyone..." he nodded.

"Alright. You have a while until Sam lets you patrol again. I'll clear things up with them, deal?" he asked shoving his fists my way. I laughed and lightly hit his knuckles with my own.

"Deal, Dad," I said still slightly chuckling.

"Good. Now how about tomorrow we continue this, I'm tired." He said as he began to roll himself up the ramp to the upstairs.

"Night, Jake!" he called.

"SSHH! You'll wake her....." he chuckled and whispered, 'my bad'. "Night." I called in a loud whisper.

I went into my room thinking about what I could do to make her feel at home. I just stared at the ceiling with my hands folded behind my head. I was smiling like a fool. I could just picture her smile. I would do ANYTHING to always see that smile. I'd do ANYTHING to keep her from harm... Including getting through those leeches. I was NOT going to compete for her love with another leech, not again anyways. With that, I slowly drifted to sleep dreaming about her, goofy grin still plastered on my face.

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