Chapter 58 - Well Fed

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Chapter 58: Well Fed

*Violet's POV*

Why did I find myself feeling absolutely incredible and yet incredibly terrible all at once? I groaned, feeling my muscles ache tremendously before a soothing cold numbed the pain. It started from my pounding head, traveling to my stiff shoulders, followed by my aching belly and eventually, down to my throbbing lower body. I tried to sit myself up against the bed I was laying on, my lower body still feeling the worst of it all.

I looked around, honestly, still very disgruntled. I placed my hand to my head and tried to focus on something other than my aching bits. If I'm half immortal and child birthing hurts like this, women deserve the world. I definitely do not see myself doing this again. And I can essentially, in theory, live forever! My eyes widened at that and I bolted upright. My babies! I looked around, trying to find them in the room. With no luck, I lifted myself up, determined to find my kids.

With some difficulty, I managed to swing my legs over the edge of the bed before forcing myself to stand. I was still in my dress, which was now completely ruined. Thankfully, I saw a closet across from me. I already owed Emily and Sam a new bed, I'll add the soon to be borrowed garments to my tab. I took tentative steps to the closet, taking my time to make it there. The only reason I wasn't completely freaking out over my missing kids was because Jacob and the others weren't present. I still recall the others instantly gravitating towards Nessie when she was born.

I had made it to the little closet and began to shuffle through the clothing. There wasn't much in there, most of it looked like it would dwarf me. I found a large shirt and some swim trunks, figuring I could tie those on around my waist somehow. I grabbed them, inspecting them before giving one final look over to make sure there wasn't something that would better fit. I was interrupted when I suddenly heard there was shouting coming from outside.

"Jacob, son! Jacob, stop!" I could hear a choir of voices screaming, the desperation in Billy's catching me off guard. I quickly changed and ignored my protesting body as I made my way downstairs and towards the sounds of a squabble. I surprised myself when my vampire like speed took me to the scene almost instantly. Some people looked up from the fighting boys to stare at me shocked. I looked around wide eyed. I spotted two of the younger wolves holding onto small bundles protectively. I wanted to rush to them and hide them away but knew they were safe for now and I had to handle what was going on.

"Jacob, stop! Get off of him!" I heard Leah who looked toward me. "Jacob, Violet's here! Violet, please!" Confused, I made my way towards the growling wolves, Jacob's large wolf form dwarfing another beneath him. I recognized the sandy wolf as Seth. Wide eyed, I rushed to them. Before I could, Sam had a hold of me.

"Easy there, Violet!" he grunted as I tried to break free. "You can't get too close! You've seen what can happen!" He continued to groan. I could hear the sound of flesh tearing, followed by whimpers. I began to struggle even more against Sam's hold. He went to tighten his hold and I let out a gasp, my body turning into dead weight in his arms. "Violet!" I squinted my eyes shut in pain. Replacing the sound of fighting wolves was now the loud wails of my two newborn children. I was surprised they had hadn't originally been startled by the commotion. I felt a wet nose press against my arms that now sat over my womb. I knew it was Jacob instantly, his whimpers right by my ear.

"Sweetheart! You shouldn't be moving about like this!" I heard Sue shout. I looked at her, tears coating her cheeks. She looked worried, not only for me, but for Seth as well, I was sure. I looked to the two holding my babies, trying their best to soothe the distressed newborns

"I'm f-fine." I grit out. "W-hat's going o-on? Why are you two fighting, Jacob?" I managed to squeeze out. It went silent, the only sound being from my now whimpering children. "What?" Suddenly, everyone's emotions hit me like a freight train. Nervousness, fear, worry, and anger from Jacob.

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