Chapter 52: Showered with Love

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A/N Sorry for the delay guys. It finally got me. COVID paid me a visit and I was knocked on my ass, let me tell you. Anyways this was finished since last week, but just forgot all about it. I'm sorry.  Finally starting to feel better! So here you are, an extra long chapter. If things feel overly happy and maybe a little slow, it is the calm before the storm. So enjoy you it while its here! lol And thank you to the people that just started following and ran through this book super quick! And to the People that voted/comment in the last chapter. This ones for you! I promise to release the next one sooner with y'all in mind. Much love! <3

Chapter 52: Showered with Love

*Jacob's POV*

Things had been getting better since we found out that Violet was expecting. Every day that passed, she had started looking better and better. Her cheeks had a healthy Rosie hue to them. Her hair, her eyes, her smile were all as vibrant and beautiful as always. Her appetite had become much more veracious, including her want of blood. Her family claimed she was more indulging in her thirst than before now that she was pregnant; which made since given that Bella had craved it too while she was a human carrying Renesmee. Another weird thing, she was constantly craving meat. Rare. For the first few days of us finding out what she was craving, it was Hell to convince her that it was okay for her to eat as she was. She apparently always felt bad for the animals.

Along with her appetite, came a few new changes. Carlisle hadn't been sure if it was because I was around and her pregnancy started progressing as normal, or if it was some other weird reason. None of us were exactly experts on our kids' combined gene pool. A part of me was worried, but seeing her look so happy as she constantly cooed at her belly, made me bury that nagging voice away. She looked nothing like Bella had. She was so lively now. Her belly had grown a lot in the past couple of weeks, Carlisle stated she was at a healthy weight for where she was in her pregnancy.

The other coven from who knows where had left shortly after Carlisle and Violet assured everyone that she was fine and healthy. Frenchie wanted to stay, but apparently, she was head honcho of their little pack, or coven. Violet had cried when they all left, but they promised to visit sometime after things settled after the big move. I remember looking at them all funny when they said that.

I nearly lost it when I found out Edward and his family had planned to "kill off" Bella by claiming a disease had killed her so they could move on and let Charlie forget about her. I might have freaked. Just a little. In my head, I didn't want to risk any chance of them trying to convince Violet to move. I mean rationally, it would make since she would need to go with the paranormal Doc if anything, but I couldn't have that. But my plan worked! As unorthodox as it had been, it worked! Charlie knew the truth about me now. I laid it out for him in a way that would stop him from outright asking any questions that he shouldn't. Everyone had been upset, at first. Violet thought it was pretty brilliant and that was more than enough for me.

Speaking of truth though, my pack and family all knew about Violet being pregnant. A lot of them were pretty freaked out themselves. My dad's eyes looked like they were going to burst out of his head and Sam looked like he was going to kill me himself. Paul went nuts on me, but Rachelle was thankfully able to calm him down. She and Kim had been the most excited of everyone there. I had wanted to tell them before I even brought Violet over. I'd wanted to make it perfectly clear there was to be no hostility directed towards her.

When she did come around finally, we made sure my dad's was the first stop. Violet had been nervously wringing her hands the whole drive there, clearly scared out of her mind. My dad however, had been quick to congratulate her, but made sure to publicly scold me in front of everyone present. That being him, Rachelle, Sue, Old Quil and Sam. They wanted to speak to us as the chief elders regarding what our kids meant for the pack and the tribe's best interest. They were obviously wary, the only one showing any real content being my dad. Even Sue showed some obvious reservations, and she loved Violet before the whole "vampire" crap came out.

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